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1) Article in the "Mishpacha" magazine in English:

In the English edition of the "Mishpacha" magazine, there is an article about our Nusach project, and about Mr. Benno Weis's work to preserve the nusach. See pages 40-41 of "The Record Keepers" supplement in the Sukkous issue.


2) New Siddur Tefillas Yeshurun:

We are happy to inform our newslist, that a new edition of Siddur Tefillas Yeshurun is ready for print, and will be available as a set of two hard copy volumes: "Siddur Tefilas Yeshurun", and "zemiors & Brochos Yeshurun".

The Siddur was put together by Rav Hofmeister from Vienna, and is his responsibility as far as the Nusach is concerned. In general, the Nusach in the Siddur is the Nusach of the Ashkenazi Rishounim and early Achrounim, (and is not exactly the nusach used in KAYJ).

The set will retail for 36, EUROS/US-Dollars (24, plus 12) or 135, NIS (90, plus 45) (plus packaging and shipment). All pre-orders before or on ראש חודש חשון will receive a special discount price: 30 EUROS/US-Dollars (20, plus 10) or 105 NIS (70, plus 35) (plus packaging and shipment).

For orders and for other questions, please contact Rav Hofmeister at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


3) Sukkos at KAYJ:

We will be very happy to welcome visitors to Jerusalem on סוכות – please join us for Davening on יום טוב or חול המועד.Shacharis on חול המועד is at 7:45 am.
Mincho is at 6:15 pm, followed by a shiur, and Ma'ariv.
On Hoshano Rabbo Shacharis is at 7:40 am. The location is 73 Nof Ramot (Wallenstein).  Please call 052-761-1890 for directions, or click here.
For a detailed timetable, please click here.


4) Mazal Tov:

Mazal tov to R' and Mrs. Meir Erlanger on the birth and the Bris of their grandson, son to R' and Mrs. Dovid Aryeh Shmueli.



1) New book on the Piyutim:

We are very pleased to announce that the long-awaited book on the Piyutim of the special shabossos and Purim, according to our minhag Is available for sale.

The seifer was written by our member, Rabbi Moshe Rosenwasser, and was received enthusiastically by leading Rabbonim in Eretz Yisrael, the USA and Europe.

It is available for a subsidized price of 25 NIS in Israel and $10 in the USA.

For more data see attachment.

2) סליחות Minyan:
The סליחות Minyan this year will take place at "Mishkan Shraga - Ohel Adina", 10 Shivat Tziyon st. at 6:10am. For more details please call 0527611890

3) Mazal Tov:
Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Yeshayahu Schneller, on the birth of 2 granddaughters. Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Reuven Schneller, on the birth of their daughter. Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Avraham Roz, on the birth of their daughter.
Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Eliyahu Lewin on the wedding of their son.
Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Chayim Ochs on the wedding of their daughter.

1) Shiurim on פסח:

To conclude the wonderful and uplifting days of the Yomim Touvim, with wonderful shiurim and special Tefillos, please see beneath a summary of the shiurim we had (on שבת and יום טוב).

We will be happy to send the full shiurim (in Hebrew) by request, via email.
On the first night of פסח, Moreinu Harav Yisroel Gans (our Rov's father) spoke about the two מצוות in Leil Haseider - to show to others that we came out of Eygpt (להראות עצמו כאילו יצא ממצרים) and to see oneself as if he came out of Eygpt (לראות עצמו כאילו יצא ממצרים). the first Mitzvoh is until חצות, and the second is until the morning.

On the last night of פסח, Rav Shlomo Fischer spoke about the two different types of Hallel - 1) Hallel as a song, said on the Seider night 2) chanting the Hallel as done usually, standing up, without stops etc. He pointed out that the difference is dependent on one's purpose. If one aims to thank as a son to his father, he then sings out the Hallel without any borders. If the tenor is as a slave to his master, then he chants the Hallel in its fixed text. He explained why we don't say Hallel on the 7th day of פסח, (only a partial Hallel, which is a Minhag) and why the laining continues until "כי אני ה' רופאך".

On Friday night, our Rov, Moreinu Harav Yehudoh Gans shlit'o, spoke about eating Chomeitz or קטניות on Shabbos in Eretz Yisroel. The Rov discussed if there is a problem of Muktzeh since one couldn't eat it at בין השמשות, when Shabbos entered. He cited the different sources to this discussion and the halachic conclusion.


2) Mazal Tov:
Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Michoel Kernberg, on the birth of their granddaughter.


3) מתנת יד and יזכור:
The מתנת יד and יזכור money (which goes to עניים או לומדי תורה בירושלים as said in the Nusach), one can give the Gabboim at KAYJ, or donate through our site at:



1) New Minhag Ashkenaz Minyan in Sanhedria Murchevet:

After a long time of getting arranged, a new Minhag Ashkenaz minyan has begun in Sanhedria Murchevet. Last week, Parshas Vayikro (החודש) was the first time the minyan got together. Approx. 45 adults and boys came for the Friday night Davening. Between קבלת שבת and ערבית R' Moshe Hamburger spoke, about the importance of continuing the מסורת אשכנז.

Beneath are a few words from R' Rafael Bachrach:

A new Minhag Ashkenaz minyan has begun for the month of Nisson! Visitors and Residents of Ramat Eshkol, Sanhedria, Sanhedria Murchevet, Maalot Dafna, Arzei Habira, and Givat Moshe and beyond are invited. The minyan is located in Rabbi Stefansky's yeshiva in the Beis Hatalmud building in Sanhedria Murchevet (once inside the building, turn left and go up the stairs). Davening for now is only on Friday nights.

The location is temporary and has only been given for the month of Nisson. If anyone knows a location that can be used after Nisson, please contact us.

We are seeking baalei tefilloh for Friday nights, and even more so for Yom Tov. For all other questions and davening times, please call 052-718-2170 or 052-769-9100 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


2) Pesach And Chol Hamo'ed times:

We will be very happy to welcome visitors on Pesach – please join us for Davening on יום טוב or חול המועד.

Shacharis on חול המועד is at 7:50 AM, Mincho is at 6:45 PM, followed by a shiur, and Ma'ariv.

The location is 73 Nof Ramot (Wallenstein). Please call 052-761-1890 for directions, or click here.


Baut Gut!


3) Mazal Tov:

Mazal Tov to Moreinu Harav and Rebetzin Gans on the wedding of their son Boruch.

Mazal Tov to Moreinu Rav Don Ison and his wife on the wedding of their son Yissochor.

Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Meir Erlanger on the engagement of their son Uri.

Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Eliyahu Levin on the wedding of their daughter.

Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Yitzchok Sinason on the wedding of their daughter.