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1) New Kehilloh in Haifa

In Haifa, a new Ashkenaz Minyan was opened by Machon Moreshes Ashkenaz, run by R' Noach Hoffner. The Minyan started at Chanukoh 5777, and there are Minyonim on שבת ויו"ט. The address is:
בית הכנסת שע"י מוסדות 'זכרון יעקב', רחוב גאולה 3, שכונת הדר, חיפה
Contact info: Noach Hoffner, 054-8404179, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2) New Kehilloh in RBS

In Beit Shemesh, a new Minhag Ashkenaz minyan was started in March 2017. The Minyan meets monthly on the first Friday night after Rosh Chodesh in an apartment on Noam St., in Ramah Aleph. The Kehilloh has a sefer Torah, and is looking to start soon a Shabbos day Minyan. For more info, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or click on this link.

3) Bayit Vegan, Jerusalem

In Bayit Vegan there is a group who would like to open a Minyan, but is lacking a place for Davening. If you would like to help, or join the Minyan, please contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

4) מתנת יד and יזכור

The מתנת יד and יזכור money (which goes to עניים או לומדי תורה בירושלים as said in the Nusach of the מי שברך), can be given to the Gabboim at KAYJ, or through our site at:

5) Na'arei Tzvi

For the Shavuos edition of Na'arei Tzvi, please click here. To get the next edition in the future, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1. Davening on פסח

We will be very happy to welcome visitors to Jerusalem on פסח – please join us for the Davening.

On the days of חול המועד, Shacharis is at 7:50, Mincho is at 6:50 followed by a Shiur (approx. 45 min.) and Ma'ariv. The location is 73 Nof Ramot (Wallenstein). For a map please click on this link.

Our detailed timetable (including times of Davening on יום טוב and Shabbos) can be found at this link.

2. חול המועד event for Kehillos Ashkenaz

On חול המועד in Bnei Brak, there will be a festive event for those affiliated with Ashkenaz shuls. The program includes a drasha by HaRav Binyomin Shlomo Hamburger שליט"א as well as singing of piyutim, zemiros etc. IY'H it will take place Thursday night April 13. Mincha at 6:45 in Beis Knesses Yeshurun (25 Rechov Ben Yaakov, Bnei Brak) followed by a drasha and then Ma'ariv at 7:45. Immediately afterwards, there will be singing of Ashkenaz melodies in the hall next door.

3. Inaugural edition of Na'arei Tzvi - initiative to strengthen mesorah among Ashkenaz youth

Please find at this link, the Pesach edition of Na'arei Tzvi with stories and chizuk. For feedback and to contribute to the next issue, please contact R' Yitzy Ettlinger (Brooklyn) This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and mobile is 347-886-7808.

Bau gut!

1) New מחזור for יום כיפור:

We are very pleased to announce that the new מחזור on יום כיפור is available for sale. The מחזור follows the old Ashkenaz (FFAM) Nusach, (with footnotes throughout the whole מחזור for today's Nusach).

The מחזור was edited by Rabbi Avrohom Aumann, a member of our Beitar branch, and was published by Machon Moreshet Ashkenaz. It has הסכמות from Moreinu Rav Gans שליט"א, and from Rav Hamburger שליט"א (head of Machon Moreshet Ashkenaz).

It is available for 30 NIS, and for members of Ashkenaz communities, is available for a subsidized price of 10 NIS.

See advertisement below and click here for sample pages.

For more data, please write to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or contact the editor at the following email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2) סליחות Minyan:
This year too, the סליחות Minyan will take place at "Mishkan Shraga - Ohel Adina", 10 Shivat Tziyon st. On the first day, סליחות will start at 6:10am, followed by Shacharis. For more details please call 0527611890

3) Mazal Tov:
Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Michoel Kernberg, on the birth of 2 granddaughters and a grandson.

Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Boruch Heinemann, on the wedding of their daughter, and on the Bar Mitzvoh of their son.

Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Chayim Ochs on the birth of their grandson.

1) Davening at י"ז בתמוז:

We are happy to welcome visitors to Jerusalem on  צום י"ז בתמוז (which falls this year on Sunday י"ח תמוז) – please join us for the Davening. Shacharis is at 7:00, Mincho is at 7:00 and Ma'ariv is at 8:06.

Shacharis will take place at Beis Ho'ovel (R' Michoel Kernberg) next to shul, at Ungwar 806/2.

Mincho and Ma'ariv will be at shul, 73 Nof Ramot (Wallenstein). For a map please click on this link.

Our detailed timetable can be found at this link.

2) Yom Kippur Machzor:
IYH this year, R' Avrohom Aumann from our Beitar branch, will be publishing a Yom Kippur Machzor according to Minhag Ashkenaz. He requested to send our newslist the following words:

Dear friend,

We are happy to inform you that this coming year we are going to publish a new Machzor for Yom Kipur Nusach Ashkenaz with Hebrew commentary.

Currently there is no Hebrew commentary on the Ashkenaz Machzor for Yom Kippur, therefore it is quite hard to understand what one is saying.

That Machazor has many other virtues, for example: The Nusach has been corrected according to the old Machazorim, The structure of the Piyuttim is highlighted, all the Minhogim are included, and much more.

We need your donations for the publication!

The names of the donors and their relatives will be written in the Machazor.

The Zechus of hundreds of Jews that will Daven with Kavono will stand for the sponsors.

Tizku Lemitzvos

Avraam Aumann

His contact details are: Email address This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., cellphone  number (+972)52-7135863


3) Mazal tov:
Mazal tov to Moreinu Harav and Rebitzin Gans, on the birth of their son, on the birth of their grandson, and on the engagement of their daughter!

Mazal tov to R' and Mrs. Mordechai Perlman on the Bar Mitzvoh of their son Moshe Chayim.

Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Menashe steiglitz on the birth of his son.
Mazal Tov to Moreinu Rav Don Ison and his wife on the birth of their granddaughter.
Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Moshe Yehudah Rosenwasser on the Bar Mitzvoh of their Grandson.

4) Condolences:
Condolences to R' Michoel Kernberg on the Petiroh of his mother, Mrs. Yehudis Breuer-Kernberg (nee Lunzer) on Friday. The Levayoh took place on Friday at 10:00 from Shamgar.המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים.