nusach/text of Haftoroh Brochous

27 פבר 2009 13:54 #916 מאת rallisw
nusach/text of Haftoroh Brochous נוצר על ידי rallisw
I've noticed in Moreinu HoRav Hamburger Shlito's Siddur, the ending of the opening brochous before the Haftoroh, uses the text "emes v'hotzedek" instead of the usual "emes votzedek". What is the difference and how come it changed?

In the concluding brochous after the Haftoroh, is the text "shelou sichbeh nayrou" or "shelou yichbeh nerou"?


Minhag Avoseinu Torah Hee!

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08 מרס 2009 03:23 #931 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון nusach/text of Haftoroh Brochous
Vehatzedek is the nusach brought in Maseches Sofrim, Rav Amram Gaon, Abudrohom, Rambam Rokeach and Machzor Vitri, and this is nusach Frankfurt and Berlin too, (and actually this is also the Sephardic Nusach).

Michael FRBSH

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03 מאי 2009 13:14 #1011 מאת rallisw
תגובה מrallisw בדיון nusach/text of Haftoroh Brochous
I understand originally the brocho read "V'la-aluvas nefesh Tinkoum Nokom Bimhayro V'yomaynu" When was it changed and why?


Minhag Avoseinu Torah Hee!

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24 מאי 2009 04:07 #1039 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון nusach/text of Haftoroh Brochous
The Nusach was changed to La'aluvas Nefesh Toshi'a, because of the Censor.
The Censors started causing trouble and changing Nuscho'os generally in the 16th century. The reason the Censors started looking at Kisvei Hakodesh was because when the Turks conquered Greece, all the learned Greek people escaped to Italy, and this caused the Italians to start learning the ancient Greek writings. Then they got the idea, that also Hebrew is an ancient language with ancient writings, and they started looking into the כתבי הקודש. After they understood Hebrew and learned some of the כתבי הקודש, they started getting upset by different things that they felt were not supposed to be in כתבי הקודש, and they censored them.


Minhag Frankfurt was to continue to say Vesinkom Nokom (even though it was not printed in the Siddur), but the word "Toshia" which was printed in the Siddur came in to the Nusach too, therefore the Nusach was ולעלובת נפש תושיע ותנקום נקם במהרה בימינו.


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04 אוג 2009 04:50 #1183 מאת MPerlman
תגובה מMPerlman בדיון nusach/text of Haftoroh Brochous
If it is the Minhag Frankfurt to say Emes V'hatzedek instead of Emes Vatzedek, why do we not do so in our shul?


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