Outer Yisroel

11 ינו 2009 13:56 #819 מאת meirk
Outer Yisroel נוצר על ידי meirk
The Shulchan Oruch brings that the Maharam MiRotenburg's minhog is to say the brochous with Tefillin on, because we say among them "outer Yisroel..." - and this means Tefillin.

In the siddur however, it says that we put the Tefillin on before Boruch Sheomar. Do the Yekkes not follow the Maharam's minhog?


Meir Koschland

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20 ינו 2009 19:31 #823 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Outer Yisroel
The Maharam had many personal minhogim that his talmidim did not follow. Generally, many Gedolei Yisroel had personal minhogim which they didn't want talmidim to follow. The Chasam Sofer says that he is unhappy with the way the Chassidim follow every minhog of their Rebbe for this reason - higher people have their own minhogim, and people who are not as elevated as them are not supposed to try to do the same.

Michael FRBSH

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04 אוג 2009 14:17 #1188 מאת MPerlman
תגובה מMPerlman בדיון Outer Yisroel

Michael wrote: The Maharam had many personal minhogim that his talmidim did not follow.

However, the Rosh, a Talmid of the Maharam, did follow this Minhag, as the Sefer HaAgur reports (Hilchos Tefillin, Siman 35). Also, the Leket Yosher reports that such was the custom of the T'rumas HaDeshen.


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13 אוג 2009 00:52 #1291 מאת SRainus
תגובה מSRainus בדיון Outer Yisroel
I looked up the sources and they all say the reason is because Oter Yisroel refers to Tefillin. They do not just report that their Rebbi did it and leave it up to us to assume that there were esoteric reasons for its practice and its practice is to be limited to the special ones among our People. Is this then a personal Minhag or a widespread Minhag meant to be kept by the multitudes?


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