Aveinu Malkeinu

03 אוק 2008 11:41 #641 מאת Daniel
Aveinu Malkeinu נוצר על ידי Daniel
I have a few old Siddurim and they have differing orders of the Aveinu Malkeinu's. Can the proper order be posted? Thanks!


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03 אוק 2008 15:22 #643 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Aveinu Malkeinu
There were and are different minhogim for Ovinu Malkeinu. There was Minhag Ashkenaz, and a more expanded minhag in France. Later Minhag Polin was based on the minhag of France. In minhag Ashkenaz there were different variations in the order things were said.

Michael FRBSH

P.S. In KAYJ we follow minhag FFDM, as seen in the Rodelheim Siddur, page 234-237.

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24 מרס 2009 14:27 #950 מאת rallisw
תגובה מrallisw בדיון Aveinu Malkeinu
From what I understand, Bnei Ashkenaz say Ovinu Malkeinu only during the Aseres Yemay Shuvoh.
1) When did it become the practice for Minhag Polin to say it on a Taanis Tzibur?

2) Why is it not said by MP on Taanis Esther at Mincho?

3) When did Ovinu Malkeinu become so lengthy and why do MP shuls not say it entirely aloud?

4) Why is the last line in MP shuls sung aloud rather than silently?


Minhag Avoseinu Torah Hee!

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24 מרס 2009 14:27 #951 מאת YCohen
תגובה מYCohen בדיון Aveinu Malkeinu
See Rabbi Hamburger's footnote 42 to סי' קלו in מנהגים דק"ק וורמיישא where many of these things are discussed. In short, Minhag Ashkenaz was makpid on 37 stanzas while the French (which in turn became the Polish minhag) added stanzas which upset the Chasidei Ashkenaz for messing up the gematrios of רמ"ז תיבות found in the 37 stanzas.


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29 מרס 2009 03:04 #965 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Aveinu Malkeinu
The Minhag to say Ovinu Malkeinu on Ta'anis is about 250 years old. Ths was not accepted in all of Eastern Europe, in Galicia they still say Ovinu Malkeinu only at Aseres Yemei Teshuvoh.
The reason we say the last one silently is out of shame, that we don't have any good deeds.
According to Minhag Ashkenaz all of Ovinu Malkeinu is said out loud, so it is very clear that the last one is said silently. According to Minhag Polin this is not seen as clearly because many of the Ovinu Malkeinu's are said silently, but there is definitely no specific minhag to say the last one out loud.

Michael FRBSH

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04 אוג 2009 14:14 #1186 מאת MPerlman
תגובה מMPerlman בדיון Aveinu Malkeinu
YCohen correctly stated that the Chassidei Ashkenaz were upset with the messing up of the 247 words that are in Avinu Malkeinu. See Siddur Raabeinu Shlomo MiGermaiza p. 222.
However, in our own Minhag Ashkenaz our AM contains more than 247 words. And upon analysis of every list in the Rishonim that I could get my hands on (and there are not many), nobody has an Avinu Malkeinu with 247 words. Where that Nusach is, I do not know.


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