Piyyutei Yamim Noraim

10 ספט 2008 16:49 #584 מאת Melech
Piyyutei Yamim Noraim נוצר על ידי Melech
Presumably the readership out here has different preferences as to which piyyutim get put up for Yomim Noraim, but my personal preferences would be Appiyd and/or the Selichoh Ani Huw Hasho'el. Could either of these piyyutim be put up?



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11 ספט 2008 00:39 #585 מאת ynathan
תגובה מynathan בדיון Piyyutei Yamim Noraim
I'd be interested in hearing the tunes of the Pizmonim of the Selichos of Yom Hakipurim - preferably the Pizmonim omnibus (for lack of a better word, as potpourri - in my opinion - is inappropriate) said by Neiloh.

Also the melodies of the Ofanim of Rosh Hashonoh & Yom Kippur.

Thank You

Yehuda Nathan

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21 ספט 2008 13:35 #603 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Piyyutei Yamim Noraim
We're working now on the Yomi m Nouroi'm files, and since we have many ne'iloh files recorded, hopefully some of them will be put up, and maybe also Houtzo'oh and Hachnoso for Yomim Nouro'im. I'm not sure we'll get around to the other piyyutim, but hopefully we'll get there in the future IYH.


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09 ינו 2009 04:14 #816 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Piyyutei Yamim Noraim
Most of the Pizmonim used in Ne'iloh are up in there place. There are a few different melodies used. #4,24,14, are done in one melody, #9,75,19,29 and Choneinu, are done in a different melody, Adonei Hoadonim and Enkas Mesaldecho are done in a third melody (Shofet Kol Ho'oretz), and #105 is done in a 4th melody. Besides that there are many other Selichos melodies there.

(Hachnoso has been put up a long time ago).


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31 אוג 2014 22:58 - 01 ספט 2014 02:30 #2430 מאת Schemuel
תגובה מSchemuel בדיון Piyyutei Yamim Noraim
Does anyone know why the Jekkish Minhog on 1st morning of R'H by Shacharis Chazoras haShatz in very 1st Brocho, is not to recite "Yoreisi BifTzosi"? as does rest of world, yet on 2nd morning of R'H and Y'K morning by Shacharis Chazoras haShatz in very 1st Brocho, "Ossissi leChannenoch" and "Eimecho Nossossi" respectively are recited as does the rest of the world.

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21 ספט 2014 21:17 #2433 מאת RSteinberger
תגובה מRSteinberger בדיון Piyyutei Yamim Noraim
Here is a link to download some of davening for Rosh Hashonoh. This is from a Minyan in Prestwich, Manchester called Ohel Moshe that is davening for the first time on Yomim Noraim. It follows Minhag Copenhagen.


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20 אוק 2014 03:55 #2445 מאת aumann
תגובה מaumann בדיון Piyyutei Yamim Noraim

Schemuel wrote: Does anyone know why the Jekkish Minhog on 1st morning of R'H by Shacharis Chazoras haShatz in very 1st Brocho, is not to recite "Yoreisi BifTzosi"? as does rest of world, yet on 2nd morning of R'H and Y'K morning by Shacharis Chazoras haShatz in very 1st Brocho, "Ossissi leChannenoch" and "Eimecho Nossossi" respectively are recited as does the rest of the world.

As I understand, the reason is that the Piyutim for the first day were written by Rabbi elazar Ha'kalir. and he didn't write a Ptichot at all. (that's the reason that the Piutim for musaf R'H (1st day) and Yom kipur also don't have ptichot because they were written also by the Kalir).
but the Piutim for Shachris 2nd day were written by R' Shimon Ha'gadol, and Shacharis Yom Kipur by R' Meshulam. they both wrote Ptichot. and we say them.
In Poland, France, and other few communities, diferent Ptichot were added to Shachris 1st day. but not for musaf at all. maybe they wanted to do all the shacharit the same.

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06 ספט 2015 22:53 #2651 מאת Melech
תגובה מMelech בדיון Piyyutei Yamim Noraim
Could you please put up another link to the Minhag Copenghagen zip file? The link you put up last year is no longer working.

Thank you,

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07 ספט 2015 01:05 #2652 מאת aumann
תגובה מaumann בדיון Piyyutei Yamim Noraim
if you refer to the minian of david toron you can try this link:

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07 ספט 2015 09:43 #2653 מאת RSteinberger
תגובה מRSteinberger בדיון Piyyutei Yamim Noraim
Thanks "aumann"; that works on my computer.

Kol Tuv

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