Haftora Parshas Vayera

09 נוב 2014 23:11 #2456 מאת RSteinberger
Haftora Parshas Vayera נוצר על ידי RSteinberger
Where is it mentioned in Seforim the Minhag Frankfurt to conclude the Haftorah earlier than other Minhogim at the words “VaTomer Sholom”? And what is the reason?

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10 נוב 2014 05:55 #2457 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Haftora Parshas Vayera
See Divrei Kehillos page 366, ומפטיר ואשה אחת עד שבת ותאמר שלום.
And later in pages 383-386 he says that many people ask why this is the Minhag in FFAM, and why isn't the story finished (that the boy was brought back to life). And the explanation he offers, is that only the Mitzvos that were done are brought in the Haftoro, and because of these Mitzvos all the miracles mentioned in the נביא there happened, including the birth of the boy (which is מענין הפרשה), the first story is abuot Ovadyoh's wife, who fed all of the prophets when Izevel tried to kill them, then about the Shunamis who was honouring Elisha Godol Hador, until the last Posuk לא חודש ולא שבת which we learn from it that she would go every Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh to see Elisha (חייב אדם להקביל פני רבו). The last נס that Elisha brought the boy back to life, is not a Mitzvoh the women did, and not מענין הפרשה (since in our Parsha the miracle was that Yitzchok was born, and not brought back to life).

המשתמש(s) אמרו תודה: RSteinberger

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