Tefillot by Tisha b'Av

13 יול 2014 09:31 #2409 מאת NMuhlgay
Tefillot by Tisha b'Av נוצר על ידי NMuhlgay
Upon checking my copy of Baer's Ba'al Tefillah oder Der Praktische Vorbeter, I realised that despite copious notes in general, it did not touch upon the German nusach and minhagim of Tisha b'Av! The only reference was a note that those who follow Minhag Polin do not have the sha"tz wear a tallit by shacharit. What amendations are addressed in our tefillah and do we have a shliach tzibbur wear a tallit by ma'ariv and shacharit?

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13 יול 2014 13:31 #2410 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Tefillot by Tisha b'Av
The Shalicah Tzibbur, and those who say Kaddish and get an Aliyoh, do not wear Tallesim on Arvis and Shacaharis (but everyone wears on Mincho, with the tefillin). The Paroches is turned around, and so is the Bimah cover and the cover of the Omud. Those who get an Aliyoh on Shacharis, do not get a Mi Shebeirach, but they get again an Aliyoh on Mincho, and after that Aliyoh they get a Mi Sheberach.
There are Krovos in Chazzoras Hashatz, and we say after Krias Hatorah the Kinnos as brought in the Rodelheim Kinnos, with the special melodies for the Kinnos (part of them are recorded in our Nusach project).


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