Tehilim 27 during Elul

19 אוג 2013 02:35 #2258 מאת jacob
Tehilim 27 during Elul נוצר על ידי jacob
It is not our Minhag to say leDovid during Elul.

I would like to know when it was introduced and by whom?
Thanks a lot.

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28 אוג 2013 13:42 #2259 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Tehilim 27 during Elul
Rav Hamburger told me the following:
The first time we see this mentioned is in the book "שם טוב קטן" written by Rav Binyomin Beinish from Kurtusein, printed in Sultzbach at the year תסו. We see it also in ספר זכירה by Rav Zecharyah Simaner, printed in Hamburg תסט. (Both are Rabbonim from Eastern Europe).
This was not accepted by many, because some claimed the source for this is from the book חמדת ימים which many refrain from using. And many didn't accept saying it because this was not the Mesorah. Therefore in Askenaz it was not accepted, and also according to Minhag HaGr'o and some Chasiduyot it is not said.

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29 אוג 2013 00:38 #2262 מאת DDelaney
תגובה מDDelaney בדיון Tehilim 27 during Elul
Weren't there some places in Southern Germany and/or the Austro-Hungarian Empire (Minhag Ostreich or Minhag Ungar) in which it was said but not during Elul?
That is it was said on both Rosh Hashanna and Yom Kippur or in some communities during the enter Aserai Ymai Teshuva, just not during Elul.

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01 אוק 2013 02:26 #2282 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Tehilim 27 during Elul
It was not accrpted in Germany.
We find in the very last generations (shortly before WW2) that it was said in Adas Yisroel in Berlin after Shacharis and Arvis from Rosh Chodesh Elul until Hoshana Rabbo.

Michael FRBSH

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