Special tune for the Massa'ot.

16 יונ 2013 05:05 #2246 מאת aumann
Special tune for the Massa'ot. נוצר על ידי aumann
In the last generations we find the custom to sing the Massa'ot in parashat Beha'alosschoh and mas'ei in a special Nigun. This Minhag was customed in Ashkenaz, hungary, willna, (lithuania), and may be most of the Chassidim.
This may indicate something old, but DA AKKA I didn't find a sorce more than 250 years ago.
Thank you for your help.

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28 יונ 2013 22:53 #2251 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Special tune for the Massa'ot.
Rav Hamburger told me that the fact this Minhag was kept in Ashkenaz and in a wide spectrum of countries around, is definitely a very strong indication that the Minhag is ancient. Rav Hamburger added that indeed the written sources he saw which mentioned this Minhag are not very ancient, but although this is the case, since the Minhag is very widely spread it is most likely an ancient Minhag, and there were a few cases in the past which he did not find old sources for Minhogim, sand the suddenly came across a Rishon mentioning them.


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01 אוק 2013 02:41 #2284 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Special tune for the Massa'ot.
See more about the Massa'ot at the following link:

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