Kiddush Levana after the fast

24 יול 2012 07:40 #2161 מאת Melech
Kiddush Levana after the fast נוצר על ידי Melech
Does the Minhag not to recite Kiddush Levana on Motzaei Tish'a B'av apply to the night after tish'ah b'av shenidche?

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27 יול 2012 19:30 #2166 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Kiddush Levana after the fast
The Minhag not to say Birkas halevono after Tish'a B'av is discussed by Rabbonei Frankfurt, and some say one can say Birkas Halevono even on regular years on Motzei Tish'o B'av. The conclusion on this issue is that one should wait to Yud Aleph. But on this year many more are Meikel (since at night there are hardly any Minhogei Aveilus), therefore this year one can say Birkas Halevono on Motzei Tisho B'av.

Michael FRBSH

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