An-im Zemiros (aka Shir Hakovod)

04 מרס 2008 14:13 #116 מאת rallisw
An-im Zemiros (aka Shir Hakovod) נוצר על ידי rallisw
Was An-im Zemiros recited in Frankfurt during Musaf on Shabbos or Yom Tov? If it was recited, could you post the niggunim used?

A local rabbi here cited an opinion that no expression of shevach to this extent, should be recited after the Musaf Kedushoh.



Minhag Avoseinu Torah Hee!

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05 מרס 2008 01:45 #117 מאת SBS
תגובה מSBS בדיון An-im Zemiros (aka Shir Hakovod)
Shir Hakovod in German Kehilos to my knowledge was not said other than on Yomim Noraim. Is this accurate?


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05 מרס 2008 03:19 #118 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון An-im Zemiros (aka Shir Hakovod)
An'im Zemros is piyyut written by Rav Yehudah Chosid, around 900 years ago. It is brought in all the Rodelheim Machzorim for Yomim tovim, and in Siddur Avodas Yisro'el (Beer) it is brought after Musaf for Shabbos.
In Divrei Kehillos (Minhogei Frankfurt year 5578) he also brings that Shir hakovod was said after Musaf of Shabbos (pg 76).
In Minhag Polin there was an argument about An'im zemiros, and it's known that the Gr"a was against saying it, but in Ashkenaz they did not accept his opinion and it was said.
There were different minhogim regarding where it should be said, some said it before Shacharis, some after Musaf (as most common today), some every day and some only on Shabbos (as most common today). Later there were places that started saying Shir hakovod after Shacharis before Kri'as hatorah (on Shabbos).
In KAYJ An'im Zemiros is said every Shabbos and Yom tov after Musaf (we have a few melodies for it, and eventually they will get to the nusach project too). I know that in Holland it is said too, and also in Basel (and it can be seen in a book of notes I got from Denmark too). I'm very interested to hear of places that follow Minhag Ashkenaz and don't say it.

Michael FRBSH

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05 מרס 2008 04:52 #121 מאת SBS
תגובה מSBS בדיון An-im Zemiros (aka Shir Hakovod)
The Jewish Center in New York City (which davens nusach Hamburg and was founded by Rabbi Dr. Leo Jung) does not say it on shabbos.


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12 אוג 2009 03:15 #1271 מאת MPerlman
תגובה מMPerlman בדיון An-im Zemiros (aka Shir Hakovod)

Michael wrote: An'im Zemros is piyyut written by Rav Yehudah Chosid, around 900 years ago.

This is not a foregone conclusion. It is strange, if it is true, why the Rokeach, his disciple, does not write anything about it.


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12 אוג 2009 15:51 #1278 מאת Melech
תגובה מMelech בדיון An-im Zemiros (aka Shir Hakovod)
I wouldn't expect the Rokeach to write on a piyyut his rebbe wrote, since it likely had not yet become very widespread to say it after only one generation.


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12 אוג 2009 17:51 #1282 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון An-im Zemiros (aka Shir Hakovod)
According to manuscripts of R' Yehudah Hachosid found recently, An'im Zemiros is brought stating clearly that it is from someone before his time. So the saying above, that R' Yehudah Hachosid wrote An'im Zemiros is not completely right. He didn't write it, he copied it from someone, unknown right now, who was before him.

Michael FRBSH

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13 אוג 2009 02:59 #1305 מאת SBS
תגובה מSBS בדיון An-im Zemiros (aka Shir Hakovod)
I know for a fact that in Paris, the Adas Yeshurun Shul at 10 Rue Cadet says An-im Zemiros after Schachris and not Musaf, and they follow minhag Frankfurt.


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17 אוג 2009 04:03 #1333 מאת Litvak
תגובה מLitvak בדיון An-im Zemiros (aka Shir Hakovod)
Two comments on the above.

1) Re the position of the GR"A re Anim zemiros - He opposed reciting it every Shabbos, due to its great holiness, but held that it should be said on Yom tov.

2) Rabbi Dr. (Eliyahu) Leo Jung z"l was Rav of the Jewish Center in NYC for a very long time, but its founding preceded his tenure there.


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17 אוג 2009 19:11 #1335 מאת SBS
תגובה מSBS בדיון An-im Zemiros (aka Shir Hakovod)
Yes indeed, you are correct that Rabbi Jung was not the founder but at the helm for a long time. What I do for a fact know is that his shul professes to follow Nusach Hamburg (I specifically asked that question and that was the answer I received) and I have seen the following done there:

1. No An-im Zemiros on Shabbos
2. Shir Shel Yom after Rabbi Yishmael Omer
3. Shir Shel Yom said at Mincha of Shabbos


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17 אוג 2009 22:48 #1336 מאת Melech
תגובה מMelech בדיון An-im Zemiros (aka Shir Hakovod)
I believe that it's been mentioned on this site that the practice in some parts of Germany of reciting Mizmor shir l'yom hashabbos at Mincha customary in some German communities came from the Sephardic community in Hamburg. The Shir recited in the beis Hamikdosh during the Mincha of Shabbos, was either the Shiras Hayam (opinion of the Rambam) or a three week cycle of Az yashir Moshe, Mi chamocha ba'elim, and Az yashir Yisroel (the girsa in our Gemaras as explained by Rashi).


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21 אוג 2009 02:21 #1351 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון An-im Zemiros (aka Shir Hakovod)
Mizmor Shir Leyom Hashabbos on Mincho of Shabbos is a Sephardic Minhag brought in the Abudraham. It was common in Hamburg because of the many Portugese Jews there, but it became Minhag Hamburg only after R' Yaakov Emden, who lived in Hamburg, brought it in his Siddur. But as mentioned before, it is a Sephardic based Minhag.

Michael FRBSH

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