Leading tefillos from the Amud vs. from the Bimah

09 דצמ 2008 03:11 #753 מאת SBS
Please recap which parts of the actual Tefillah are said from the Bimah vs. the Amud.

Is it only for Kabbolas Shabbos until after Hashem Malach and Yekum Purkan until Y'hallelu before Musaf that is said from the Bimah? Is Mussaf of Shabbos ever said from the Bimah, and, if so, under what conditions? The reason, as I understand it, is that the later additions are said from the Bimah in order to indicate that they are additions and not part of the original nusach ha'tefilloh. Is this correct?


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09 דצמ 2008 03:13 #754 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Leading tefillos from the Amud vs. from the Bimah
The minhag today is as you mentioned - from Lecho Doudi until Hashem moloch is said by the Bimah (because they are late additions), and Kri'as Hatoroh until Yehalelu is said by the Bimah (since it is the place of reading the Torah).


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09 דצמ 2008 03:41 #755 מאת SBS
I see that in many shuls here in the US that Musaf is continued at the Bimah. Is there a source for this or is it rather a lack of understanding as to what we should do? Perhaps it is a result of instances where a shul only has a Bimah and no Amud???


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14 דצמ 2008 02:47 #766 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Leading tefillos from the Amud vs. from the Bimah
There wasn't a minhag in Europe to continue Musaf by the Bimah. It may be a mistake as you mentioned.

Michael FRBSH

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03 ינו 2010 01:08 #1571 מאת ZBreiner
תגובה מZBreiner בדיון Leading tefillos from the Amud vs. from the Bimah

Michael wrote: The minhag today is as you mentioned - from Lecho Doudi until Hashem moloch is said by the Bimah (because they are late additions), and Kri'as Hatoroh until Yehalelu is said by the Bimah (since it is the place of reading the Torah).

So then our minhag (Pressburg) was to say those six kapitlech of Tehillim from the amud? I have seen that in Budapest in kazincy.


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04 ינו 2010 19:34 - 31 יול 2017 01:54 #1574 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Leading tefillos from the Amud vs. from the Bimah
Minhag Pressburg is also to say the Mizmorei Tehillim by the omud (in Pressburg usually the Ba'al Tefilloh of Mincho said them), and to say the Lecho Doudi by the Bimah (in the recent generations this was done by the Chazan and the choir).

Minhag Pressburg in general is very similar to Minhag Frankfurt, and it is so nice to see that the Minhogim are being revived in Pressburg (Bratislava) itself - אשריכם!

Michael FRBSH

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27 פבר 2011 14:24 #1918 מאת Baruch Schwartz
תגובה מBaruch Schwartz בדיון Leading tefillos from the Amud vs. from the Bimah
In our shul the hazzan stands at the bimah for Kabbalat Shabbat and then moves to the amud for Arvit. Recently someone asked: is there a preference as to whether he should remain at the bimah while saying Bameh Madlikin (which we say before Barchu) or move to the amud to say it. Any information on this?

Baruch J. Schwartz

Baruch J. Schwartz
Efrat, Israel

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11 מרס 2011 16:05 #1934 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Leading tefillos from the Amud vs. from the Bimah
According to Minhag Ashkenaz Bameh Madlikin is said after Arvis (as Takonas Hageonim) by the Omud, therefore this question has never been discussed by Poskei Ashkenaz.

Michael FRBSH

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30 יול 2017 21:32 #2819 מאת ABloomenstiel
תגובה מABloomenstiel בדיון Leading tefillos from the Amud vs. from the Bimah
The mesora in Elzos was that all of the tefillos, krias hatorah, and drashos were from the alememar. The shuls didn't even have an amud!

Does anyone on the forum know the historical or seforim-based reasons for this?

- Avraham Bloomenstiel

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02 אוג 2017 22:36 #2822 מאת DDelaney
תגובה מDDelaney בדיון Leading tefillos from the Amud vs. from the Bimah
What is Elzos? Is that Alsace-Lorraine?
If so it is possible their leading all davening from the bima might be influenced by the Spanish Portugese who I believe do the same thing.

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03 אוג 2017 01:49 #2823 מאת ABloomenstiel
תגובה מABloomenstiel בדיון Leading tefillos from the Amud vs. from the Bimah

Elzos = Alsace. It is quite a distance from Holland, England, or other places where Spanish/Portuguese communities were located. Could be connected though - one never knows.

I have some old family photos from synagogues in Alsace, and only one (I think in either Bichweiler or Bouxweiller) had an amud.

BTW - It was GREAT reconnecting with you on the phone today. We miss you guys and think of you often!


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03 אוג 2017 02:07 #2824 מאת DDelaney
תגובה מDDelaney בדיון Leading tefillos from the Amud vs. from the Bimah
At Ner Tamid in Baltimore, they lead all davening at the bima. They also have someone has completed an aliyah stand at the left side of the bimah, rather than at the right.
I believe this is/was done by some or all Alsation and other Ashkenaz congregations.

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03 אוג 2017 02:26 #2825 מאת ABloomenstiel
תגובה מABloomenstiel בדיון Leading tefillos from the Amud vs. from the Bimah
I do seem to recall that from the two or three times that I davened there. Yes - in Alsace everyone typically went to the left.

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