Tzedokoh collection during davening

19 נוב 2008 14:23 #711 מאת rallisw
Tzedokoh collection during davening נוצר על ידי rallisw
Does the gabbai or child bring the pushkeh around to collect tzedokoh during Chazoras HaShatz only on Monday and Thursday mornings, or every weekday?


Minhag Avoseinu Torah Hee!

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21 נוב 2008 15:11 #717 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Tzedokoh collection during davening
In some places it was done only on Sheini Vechamishi. (The Kav Hayoshor brings a story about a miser who didn't come to shul on Sheini Vechamishi so that he wouldn't have to give Tzedoko).

Minhag Frankfurt is to collect Tzedoko every day when the Chazan says "Refo'einu", as seen in Divrei Kehillos page 86.

Michael FRBSH

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12 אוג 2009 03:35 #1275 מאת MPerlman
תגובה מMPerlman בדיון Tzedokoh collection during davening

Michael wrote: Minhag Frankfurt is to collect Tzedoko every day when the Chazan says "Refo'einu", as seen in Divrei Kehillos page 86.

In KAJ the Pushka sits at the entrance to the shul and people are supposed to give tzedaka when entering or exiting. No collection is made in middle of davening. My Opa zt"l said that such was also the custom in Berlin and that the custom of collecting during davening is a very disturbing custom as it distracts the tzibbur from Chazaras HaShatz, Kaddish, Aleinu, etc. For this reason, he basically ignored the collectors during davening and I do likewise.


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