Mentioning a shem of Hashem

30 יול 2008 00:06 #486 מאת Melech
Mentioning a shem of Hashem נוצר על ידי Melech
Listening to a number of old and some new recordings, I get the impression that the old minhag was not to be makpid to avoid mentioning the other names of Hashem (קל, אלקים etc.) even in situations where one would normally avoid mentioning the שם המיחד (the shem of Adnus), e.g. when recording a tefilloh with shemos in it. Is/was the minhag to distinguish between the שם המיחד and the other שמות, and in what situations where it's considered inappropriate to use the שם המיחד is it still OK to use the other שמות? (Of course, all this pertains to shemos other than the Shem Havaya, which is never said outside the Beis Hamikdash).

Thank you for all the good work in explaining Minhag Ashkenaz,

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01 אוג 2008 16:21 #494 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Mentioning a shem of Hashem
When listening to Mr. Beno Weis's recordings, you can hear that he's makpid not to say even Halelujoh, and he says Haleluhu every time to refrain from this Hazkoroh! On the other hand, Chazzen Hans Blumendal says even Shem Hashem on his recordings, and I was told that this was the psak he was give, in order that people who learn the nusch through his recordings learn it properly and don't say "Hashem" or "Adoushem" in the real davening (saying Shem Hashem in order to teach is OK).
I discussed the point you mentioned, (that there may be a difference between the other Sheimos and Sheim Hameyuchod), with Harav Hamburger, and he said he didn't know of any differentiation made, and one should not say the other Sheimos also if not for a proper reason.


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13 אוג 2009 00:30 #1288 מאת MPerlman
תגובה מMPerlman בדיון Mentioning a shem of Hashem
Might it make a difference which t'filah is being recorded. For example, I once asked someone from Silbermann Yeshiva to record their Nusach of Nishmas (the whole tzibbur sings the whole Nishmas together from the beginning until the end of Yishtabach). He said all the sheimos, except for those in the bracha. Perhaps there is a difference between saying the sheim in a bracha, in which case it might qualify as a bracha l'vatala, and a sheim in a t'filla which one could say at any time one wished.


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