Question about Bar Mitzvah Minhagim

12 ינו 2015 22:25 #2497 מאת DDelaney
Question about Bar Mitzvah Minhagim נוצר על ידי DDelaney
Can anyone share some info on Bar Mitzvah minhagim according Minhag Ashkenaz/Minhag Ostreich?
The info in Shorshei Minhag Ashkenaz seems to deal with more ancient customs.
It says that a bochur does not receive his first aliyah on a weekday but rather waits until the first Shabbos after the Hebrew Birthday.
But is the actual Hebrew Birthdsy marked in any way?
Is it the minhag to have a Bo Bayom Seudah on that day?
Is it the minhag to serve pastries in shul on the first day putting on tefilin as is seen is some congregations?
Any info would be appreciated.
Thank you!

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22 ינו 2015 05:38 #2500 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Question about Bar Mitzvah Minhagim
I understood from Rav Hamburger that the Se'udoh used to be done on Sunday because that was the most conveniant day. Nowadays, at least in Israel, there is no difference between Sunday and other days. We made our Se'udoh Bo Bayom (on the Hebrew birthday). We did not serve pastries in shul.

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22 ינו 2015 06:32 #2501 מאת DDelaney
תגובה מDDelaney בדיון Question about Bar Mitzvah Minhagim
What about a kiddush in shul the first Shabbos after the Hebrew birthday?
If the bo bayom is on Monday or Thursday is there still no Aliyah until Shabbos?

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27 פבר 2015 18:35 - 30 מרס 2015 17:32 #2523 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Question about Bar Mitzvah Minhagim
Kiddush could be done, but of course not inside shul, only in a room which doesn't have Kedushas Beis Hakneses.
Even if Bo Bayom is on Monday or Thursday, the Aliyoh is only on Shabbos.

Michael FRSBH

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03 יונ 2015 09:29 #2572 מאת DDelaney
תגובה מDDelaney בדיון Question about Bar Mitzvah Minhagim
According to Minhag Ashkenaz is there any special celebration done on a bachor's first day putting on teflin?
It seems like in many Eastern European shuls people bring donuts and/or herring and schnapps on this day. Is this according to Minhag Ashkenaz?
At many son's school it seems like a vast majority bring donuts and/or danish on the first day putting on tefilin.

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04 יונ 2015 03:32 #2573 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Question about Bar Mitzvah Minhagim
No party is done, not when he starts wearing a Tallis, and not when he starts putting on Tefillin.

Michael FRSBH

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03 ספט 2015 23:30 #2650 מאת DDelaney
תגובה מDDelaney בדיון Question about Bar Mitzvah Minhagim
According to Minhag Ashkenaz, is Shir Hamalos recited before bentching after a bar mitzvah seudah that falls on the Hebrew Birthday?

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04 נוב 2015 00:40 #2678 מאת IlanM
תגובה מIlanM בדיון Question about Bar Mitzvah Minhagim
How far in advance of a Bar Mitzvah should a boy start to put on Tefillin? One Month? Three Months?


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04 נוב 2015 00:44 #2679 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Question about Bar Mitzvah Minhagim
Please see this post .
המשתמש(s) אמרו תודה: IlanM

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