Sharing an article based on Shnei Zeisim

05 דצמ 2013 01:23 #2327 מאת Yitz
Sharing an article based on Shnei Zeisim נוצר על ידי Yitz
I wanted to share with the tzibur an article (attached in Word) I wrote, based on a shiur I presented at Kehillas Ashkenaz in Baltimore a few years ago on Shabbos Chanukah.

I would definitely appreciate any comments/questions.

The goal of the article is twofold: 1- to bring out some of the messages of Chanukah through the lens of the piyut; and 2- to shed light on the special role that the piyut has played (in its unique position right before the brocho of yotzer hameoros) for over 1000 years in instilling hope and optimism on Shabbos Chanukah in golus.

I hope to share it next year with people in the lager community, most of whom are not familiar with this piyut, which technically should be said in Minhag Polin as well.

I would appreciate any suggestions regarding where (and in what form) it could be shared.

Best wishes for a Freilichin Chanukah!
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06 דצמ 2013 09:00 #2329 מאת Melech
תגובה מMelech בדיון Sharing an article based on Shnei Zeisim
A very nice presentation- Thank you!

I have three comments:

1)It should be emphasized that the separation of powers meme most definitely does not apply to the study and teaching of torah and to paskening halachah. Moshe Rabbeinu reminds us again and again in Sefer Devorim that Torah teachings are to be rendered by the Kohanim and Leviyim.

2) Regarding the niggunim- there are at least one other Strasbourg Niggun, and also a German Niggun from Germany proper (and very different from the Frankfurt Niggun) which is probably closer to Maoz Tzur than any of the others. This Niggun is the one I heard in my childhood. If anyone wants a link, PM me.

3) As a major aside, as I'm sure you are aware, Kehillas Ashkenaz needs a lot of Chizzuk- mainly a number of additional committed people in order to resume its minyonim.


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09 דצמ 2013 12:06 #2330 מאת Yitz
תגובה מYitz בדיון Sharing an article based on Shnei Zeisim

Thanks a lot for your comments!

1) Yes, of course teaching torah and paskening halacha are roles of the Kohanim/leviyim. I will try to more clearly emphasize that point. But this is exactly what separation of powers means, that the political leaders (kings) and religious leaders (kohanim/leviyim) have separate roles. Just like the Kings from Shevet Yehudah should not usurp the role of the Kohanim and pasken Halacha, so too the Kohanim should not become political leaders (and this was the sin of Chashmonaim according to the Ramban).

2) I would definitely be interested in any links or info about other nigumim for Shnei Zeisim (and/or more background on the nigunim I discussed). I will incorporate this additional info as best I can to further enrich the article.

3) Yes, Kehillas Ashkenaz needs just a few more people to keep its regular shabbos minyonim. But it is still holding beautiful and fairly stable Yom Tov night minyonim (when many people such as myself are in from out of town).

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18 דצמ 2014 11:04 #2484 מאת Yitz
תגובה מYitz בדיון Sharing a dvar torah based on Shnei Zeisim
In honor or Shabbos Chanukah, I wanted to share an updated version of an article that I prepared on the topic of Jewish leadership and the separation of powers, based to a large extent on the beautiful piyut of Shnei Zeisim.

The first section develops the main idea based on different sources including the piyut, and the Annex focuses specifically on the goals of the piyut in more detail.

I would definitely appreciate any comments/questions.

The goal of the article is twofold: 1- to bring out some of the messages of Chanukah through the lens of the piyut; and 2- to shed light on the special role that the piyut has played (in its unique position right before the brocho of yotzer hameoros) for over 1000 years in instilling hope and optimism on Shabbos Chanukah in golus.

I would appreciate any suggestions regarding where (and in what form) it could be shared.

Best wishes for a Freilichin Chanukah!
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