
26 מרס 2008 14:17 #200 מאת Altgold
Seder נוצר על ידי Altgold
As we begin to look towards Pesach, I would be particularly interested to learn about specific minhogim related to the Seder.

I have heard that Jews from Ashkenaz had a custom not to use red wine out of concern for blood libel? Is this still the practice?

Does the Seder leader wear a kittlel?

Any others?


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27 מרס 2008 01:01 #202 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Seder
Today the Minhag is to take red wine (which is considered more mehudar, as the posuk says - אל תראה יין כי יתאדם).
In many families the Seder leader wears a Sargenes (Kittel, see this link ), to remind of Yom Hamisso at this special time when we behave as kings. In other families the Seder leader also wears Yom Tov clothes. In all families the rest of the participants wear Yom Tov clothes.

Other Minhogim: The Maharil brings that the Minhag is to decorate the wall with nice pictures, in the same way that we hang in the Sukka decorations.

Michael FRBSH

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28 מרס 2008 02:28 #211 מאת Lipman
תגובה מLipman בדיון Seder
I think the yom hammisse explanation is secondary, while some centuries ago, the sargenes was a yontef garment.

Also, while the blood libel issue is still a factor for some, and others do invoke אל תראה יין כי יתאדם in favour of red wine, I've heard that one should choose the wine one likes better. (This question is similar to the order of broches for different food, where some hold that mehudder or preferred is pshat what you like best, either in general or evn right now.)


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15 אפר 2008 19:03 #246 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Seder
Someone brought that another reason that the Seder Leader wears a Sargenes in the Seder night is because he is considered to be like the Cohen Godol that does Seder Ho'avodah in Yom Kippur and wears then his white clothes.


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