White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K

17 נוב 2009 14:46 #1507 מאת MPerlman
תגובה מMPerlman בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
Is there a difference between Tachrichim and a Sargenes? Could one just go to the local Chevra Kadisha and obtain Tachrichim and wear those on RH and YK?


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11 דצמ 2009 13:39 #1531 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
If you go the Chevra Kadisha in Elzas, you will find the same Sargenes used for Yomim Noro'im. In Eretz Yisroel most likely the Sargenes will be quite different.

Michael FRBSH

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11 דצמ 2009 16:08 #1533 מאת RSteinberger
תגובה מRSteinberger בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
I know it’s nearly Chanuka, but I’ve only just joined this forum and have been reading some of the topics.

So here’s my first post on the subject of wearing white on Rosh Hashana. It seems to me that the custom of a white tallis and white kittel are hinted at by the Tur and the Yalkut (Parshas Vo’eschanan) in the reference to being Lovshim Le’vonim and Mis’atphim Le’vonim, which I take to refer to the Kittel and the Tallis. I would be happy to hear comments on this.


Richard St

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13 דצמ 2009 14:37 #1542 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
That is definitely a good source for the Kittel or Sargenes.

Michael FRBSH

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25 ספט 2011 13:21 #2038 מאת JMGoldschmidt
תגובה מJMGoldschmidt בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
Should one wear a kittel on Rosh Hashanah even if he is davening with a tzibbur where no one else has this minhag? Also, the same applies re: wearing one's hat for Shacharis. I seem to recall an essay from R. Schwab in regards to a hat that one should not.


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28 ספט 2011 15:55 - 07 יונ 2017 00:43 #2040 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
Regarding the hat, please see this thread .


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28 ספט 2011 21:27 #2041 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
If the Tzibbur isn't bothered by the fact you will be wearing a Sargenes, one should wear it.

Michael FRBSH

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31 יול 2015 18:23 - 31 יול 2015 18:24 #2611 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
The address for buying a white kaepchen in EY is:

דינר, שמשון רפאל. נתיבות המשפט 44, מודיעין עילית 7182822
Telephone number 08-9742786
המשתמש(s) אמרו תודה: ShlGug

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31 יול 2015 18:53 #2612 מאת Israel
תגובה מIsrael בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
Can somebody tell me how to pronounce sargenes?

Is it Sar -gen -es




Sar - genes?

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02 אוג 2015 12:17 #2614 מאת Israel
תגובה מIsrael בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
The answer to my question regarding pronunciation is in Tefiloh Sefas Yisroel, XXXVII. It's given there in yiddish letters and appears to say Sarg - nes סארגנס or could be sarge-eness.

Regarding the headcovering the pron. seems to be kep-shen. page XXXVII

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28 אוג 2015 18:39 #2646 מאת Israel
תגובה מIsrael בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
I just spoke to a German friend, real German, who says the word is pronounced - at least by gentile Germans - as cap-chen with a ch like a chof.

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25 ספט 2015 12:16 #2663 מאת RSteinberger
תגובה מRSteinberger בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
You can order a Kapchen from Goldschmidt in Basel, although it is called a Mütze there, see:


Also the website is only in German, so it is a challenge to order it on-line if you don’t speak the language.

G’mar Tov

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26 ספט 2015 01:11 #2665 מאת NMuhlgay
תגובה מNMuhlgay בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
For those in the US, Henry Lehmann of KAJ/WH makes and sells them, as well as the black ones worn throughout the year. His email is This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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27 ספט 2015 03:39 #2666 מאת JBieler
תגובה מJBieler בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
Gut Woch,

if your have Bitochaun in a native German's pronunciaton and Messauro: It is Sár-ge-ness. The stress is a little at the front.
Gut Jaumtauw

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27 ספט 2015 04:03 #2667 מאת JBieler
תגובה מJBieler בדיון White Kaepchen, Sargenes, Tallis For R"H and Y"K
And the other one.. It is Käppchen. Stress upfront, very short. And the Umlaut ä is pronounced almost like in elderly (like at the beginning of the word) or eligible or enter.

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