Hat at kidush

18 מרס 2008 19:19 #178 מאת jacob
Hat at kidush נוצר על ידי jacob
There are different minhagim about wearing a hat and a jacket (or not) during the kidusch and birkat hamazon.
The Kizzur Shulchan Aruch says the same.
What is the reason and the halacha for wearing a double headcovering during kidush and birkat hamazon and how ist the german minhag in that case?


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20 מרס 2008 00:44 #185 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Hat at kidush
The minhag in Ashkenaz was to keep the hat on for Kidush (since it was on at shul, it's not the right honor for the mitzvah of kidush to take the hat off for it), but one was not required to put it back on for Bircas Hamazon. Wearing a hat is considered a more important way to be dressed up (it's considered special shul clothes), and therefore it's should be worn on Kiddush, rather than just having the kippah on (but there was no importance to a double head covering in Ashkenaz, only by the Chassidim).
The same logic was used with the tallis in mincha of Shabbos - whoever gets an Aliyah for Mincha does not take it off until Kedushah, because it is not honor for the Amidah and Kedoshoh to take the tallis off before them (even though whoever doesn't have a tallis on does not put it on for Amidah of Shabbos).

Michael FRBSH

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