Wearing a hat... bar mitzvah or marriage?

01 ינו 2010 00:52 #1566 מאת DDelaney
Wearing a hat... bar mitzvah or marriage? נוצר על ידי DDelaney
I have heard from some older people that in some pre-war German communities men did not start wearing a hat until they were married and not at bar mitzvah like they do today.
And even those communities where boys did wear a hat once bar mitzvah age they certainly did not start at the same time they started wearing tefilin shortly before bar mitzvah, but waited until they were actually bar mitzvah.
Anyone care to comment?


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01 ינו 2010 16:59 #1568 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Wearing a hat... bar mitzvah or marriage?
As far as hats are concerned, there were many changes from place to place and from time to time. See more at the following links 1 2 .Rav Hamburger told me that it is hard to say that there is a "Minhag Ashkenaz" in this issue.


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