Kiddush Procedures at Home

17 אוג 2009 14:13 #1334 מאת SBS
Kiddush Procedures at Home נוצר על ידי SBS
When making Kiddush at home what is the proper procedure?

1. Does only the Ba'al Habayis make kiddush, being motzi everyone else?
2. Do all males above the age of Bar-mitzvah make their own kiddush?
3. Does everyone not making kiddush get a taste from the Kos of the Ba'al Habayis, or
4. Does every one have a kos molei in front of them from which they drink once the Ba'al habbayis is done having been motzi them?

My minhag at home is for only the Ba'al habyis to make kiddush out loud. Every one has a Kos Molei in front of them and and I am Motzi them (just as we do on Pesach for kiddush).

According to minhag Ashkenaz, does one give the Kovod of kiddush over to a talmid chochom if such a guest is present or is it always the Ba'al habayis? Is one mechuyav to offer this Kibbud to their father in their own house?

There seems to be a tendency these days for everyone who can, to make their own kiddush, but this seems unnecessary and excessive to me.


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18 אוג 2009 01:24 #1341 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Kiddush Procedures at Home
Today most people have the Minhag that only Ba'al Habayis holds a cup and does Kiddush. But in the past we find different Minhogim.
The Chavos Yoir says that everyone had a cup in front of him, including guests. He then adds that there is an inyon that everyone buys his wine from his own money, even a son at his father's house and a guest.
From the Yosef Ometz it seems that the Minhag was that one does Kiddush for all and only he holds the cup.
R' Avrohom Brauda says that some people made Kiddush on their own from the cup that was in front of them (and weren't Yotse from Ba'al Habayis).
R' Shlomo Carlebach of Leubeck mentions that the Ba'al Habayis says Kiddush, and some let their little child make Kiddush with them on a little cup which contained wine mixed with water.

In Ashkenaz Seforim we don't find much discussion about giving the Kiddush to a Talmid Chochom, etc.

Michael FRBSH

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18 אוג 2009 01:38 #1342 מאת SBS
תגובה מSBS בדיון Kiddush Procedures at Home
I'm just wondering if we can draw any conclusions about this from what we do on Pesach, which in that case we know that everyone has their own kos (one of them being the kos for Kiddush).


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19 אוג 2009 01:21 #1345 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Kiddush Procedures at Home
On Pesach everyone needs 4 cups, therefore even according to the Minhag that usually only the Ba'al Habayis holds the cup - on Pesach all have to hold cups.
In addition on Pesach many things are done on purpose differently so the children will ask why is it we do so. Therefore some have the Minhag that on Pesach everyone says the Kiddush with Ba'al Habayis.
So I assume we wouldn't learn from the way things are done on Pesach, about the Minhag on other days.


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