Adding extra neir(os) after missing lighting neiros Shabbos

07 אוג 2009 19:20 #1229 מאת SBS
I'd like to know more about the source requiring someone to light an extra shabbos candle for every shabbos going forward if one forgot to light a candle previously. I have never heard of this and would like to know the reason. Is this based on some kabbalistic source?

What is required (if anything) if a shabbos candle blows out (Example: faulty candle and is it doesn't stay lit). Is this viewed as some sort of bad sign that requires a tikkun or is it just what it is...a bad candle and no further actions are required?


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12 אוג 2009 02:44 #1263 מאת MPerlman

Steven wrote: I'd like to know more about the source requiring someone to light an extra shabbos candle for every shabbos going forward if one forgot to light a candle previously. I have never heard of this and would like to know the reason. Is this based on some kabbalistic source?

The Ramo (Orach Chayim 263:1) brings this Halacha, quoting the Maharil.

The Maharil (Hilchos Shabbos, para. 1) does not bring a reason but merely adds that the query was asked on behalf of someone by the Maharil's niece.

I think that from here we can see the tremendous Yir'as Shomayim of the people of that era, where a woman was embarrassed to ask this query, when, from the point of view of our generation, she only forgot to light candles one week.


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12 אוג 2009 02:44 #1264 מאת SBS
And what about if the candle was lit but went out prematurely?


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12 אוג 2009 19:19 #1283 מאת MPerlman

Steven wrote: And what about if the candle was lit but went out prematurely?

It would seem to me that this is considered an Oness and the Magain Avraham (263:3) writes that in case of Oness, one does not have to add a candle the following weeks.


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