Seder Havdolo

03 מרס 2008 04:18 #112 מאת Felix
Seder Havdolo נוצר על ידי Felix
I was wondering why in the Sfas Emes Siddur the text of the Havdolo-Seder is lacking the psukim (...ashrei odom boteah boch and ...Hamelech yaanenu...)? Is that a yekische or a frankfurter Minhag?

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17 מרס 2008 14:38 #170 מאת rallisw
תגובה מrallisw בדיון Seder Havdolo
According to Dr. Yonoh Frankel, in the Middles Ages no pesukim were recited at all. When havdoloh is recited in synagogue, it is still not recited (see Divrei Kehillos page 78.)

However in the siddur “Avodas Yisroel” of Rav Seligman Baer, we writes the following; “The pesukim that are said before the brochos of havdoloh are not mentioned explicitly in the earlier sources, they are also not found in Sephardic siddurim. They are only a custom as a good sign, like the RM”H to Orach Chayim Simon 296. He only mentions the first three pesukim;

Hinei Keil y’shuosi,

Kos yshuos,

Usheavtem mayim.

And I found in the Machzor Roma, an ancient ksav yod on the parchment this unique nusach, including this pesukim before havdoloh, and this is it’s text;

Kos y’shuos, nisoh b’rocho may-ays HaShem utzedokoh nayelokay yishaynu,

Ono Hashem Hoshe-oh no Ono Hashem Hatzlicho no ono HaShem ya-anaynu beyom koraynu,

hu yishlach b’rocho v’rovocho v’hatzlocho b’chol maasay yodaynu v’nomar omein.

Boruch Atoh HaShem ....

In the Machzor Roma is printed an addition before the aforementioned nusach;

L’yehudim hoyso v’sihiyeh oro v’simcho v’soson v’yikor b’simcho noadnu babayis hazeh uv’chol mokom shenihiyeh shom yehi adir b’ozraynu b’chol yism’chaynu odon may-uzaynu uv’tuvo hagodol yadrichaynu.

Kos yeshuos....”

I trust this clarifies things?


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