Brocho on the Hallel

16 Apr 2008 12:29 #253 by Daniel
Brocho on the Hallel was created by Daniel
R' Breuer writes (Minhogei Yeshurun, pg 9, #2) that the correct nusach for Hallel is likro es hallel, and not HAhallel. Is this the commonly excepted Nusach among the Ashkenaz Kehillos?


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17 Apr 2008 19:50 #259 by Michael
Replied by Michael on topic Brocho on the Hallel
In Divrei Kehillos pg 68 he discusses the subject and he holds to say "Halel", and not "Hahalel" as the way the Rodelheim siddur changed it too. But in siddur Avodas Yisro'el (pg 328) he brings that the even older nusach was "Hahalel", which means the nusach was "Hahalel", it was changed by the old siddurim to "Halel", and changed back by the newer siddurim to "Hahalel". In KAYJ we say "Hahalel".


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