Kaddish - Veyatzmach purkonei? Why not in Nusach Ashkenaz?

03 Aug 2009 02:49 #1171 by Altgold
Is it the Ashkenazic custom to say "veyatzmach purkonei viyikoreiv meshicheih? Why or why not?

Also, is it the minhog to respond "brich hu", or "Amen?"


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03 Aug 2009 03:04 #1172 by Litvak
Why nusach Ashkenaz doesn't include 'veyatzmach purkoneih viykoreiv meshichei' in kaddish is an interesting topic.

On the surface, it can be hard to understand. I think that certain people are in fact quite bewildered about why it is not included. After all, do we not hope, pray, yearn and wait for Moshiach?

I am aware of various hesbeirim (explanations) for this, which, in our time, can be useful to try to give people insight into this, to try to explain possible reasons why our great gedolim did not incorporate it into kaddish.

For starters, the Oruch Hashulchon (Orach Chaim 56:2), explains that the explicit tefilloh for Moshiach, which is added in nusach Sfard, is included in nusach Ashkenaz in the words, veyamlich malchusei, that Hakodosh boruch Hu's kingdom should rule, namely that the posuk Vihoyo Hashem limelech al kol ha'aretz' will be mekuyam, which involves the coming of Moshiach, as is understood.

I will add that in general, nusach Ashkenaz considers a more concise nusach to be preferable, so therefore having that idea included bekitzur (more briefly) is a ma'aloh (advantage).

I am aware of some other thoughts on the matter, which I may post a bit later.


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04 Aug 2009 04:16 #1177 by MPerlman
I do not understand how it could be possible to add the words "V'yatzmach Purkanei" to Kaddish. Rabbeinu Elazar Rokeach of Worms (4936-4998) makes it quite clear that the first part of Kaddish has only 20 words. This corresponds to the 10 Dibros of the Luchos + the 10 instances of the word Ani in Parashas Kedoshim. Also the 20 words correspond to the 20 times it says Hashem Elokim in Breishis and the 20 kinds of Kavanos that Daniel said in his Tefilla. Elsewhere he says that one cannot tamper with the number of words in the Tefillah.
I am sure that those communities that added it to Kaddish had their own sublime reasons. However, they either were unaware of the words of the Rokeach, or had other reasons to ignore them. But we, who follow in his tradition, dare not ignore his instructions.


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04 Aug 2009 04:18 #1178 by MPerlman

Brian wrote: Also, is it the minhog to respond "brich hu", or "Amen?"

The Minhag is to say Brich Hu, along with the Chazzan, not after he says it.


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09 Aug 2009 02:33 #1233 by Michael
In general, every time there is a short Nusach and a long one, the short one is the original one and the long one is later additions, since words were added in certain places, but words were not taken off.
The original Nusach of Kaddish did not include Veyatzmach Purkoneih, since the whole prayer of the Kaddish is for גילוי כבוד מלכות שמים which will be in the time of the Geuloh. Nusach Sepharad added it specifically, but Nusach Ashkenaz did not add it for reasons in Pshat and in Sod, and also because this is not the original Nusach.

Michael FRBSH

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