Women Speaking in Public

27 Feb 2009 04:27 #915 by Daniel
Women Speaking in Public was created by Daniel
Do we know if it was ever common that women would speak in public, at say, a levayah? The only examples of women speaking in public that I can think of would be Bruriah (R' Meir's wife) who would give shiur from behind a Mechitza, and Devorah who sat 'tachas tomer' and would judge the people.


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08 Mar 2009 03:10 #929 by Michael
Replied by Michael on topic Women Speaking in Public
The Maharshal (siman כט), brings that the daughter of R' Shlomo Shapiro, Miriam, gave a shiur many years to Bochurim in Yeshivah, while she sat behind a curtain.

R' Yosef Steinhart, (The Zichron Yosef) was a Rosh Yeshivoh in Fuerth (Yeshivas Hirsch), and there is a tradition that his wife (named Kroendel) gave a shiur from behind a curtain to the Yeshivah students, when he was away.

You mentioned Devorah in your posting. It is important to note that there are many things that were done in the time of the first Temple, and later Chazzal did not permit it because of Yeridas Hadoros.

Michael FRBSH

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