Washing netilas yadayim before kiddush

27 Feb 2008 14:25 #85 by Altgold
What is the reason, halachic or otherwise, for the custom of washing before kiddush? Does the kiddush create a hefsek between washing and the hamotzi?


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28 Feb 2008 20:00 #96 by SBS
Replied by SBS on topic Washing netilas yadayim before kiddush
My understanding is that this is true Kiddusch B'makom Seuda otherwise there is too much of a gap.


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29 Feb 2008 02:42 #100 by Michael
Replied by Michael on topic Washing netilas yadayim before kiddush
As Steven mentioned, the reason to wash before Kiddush is because in this way the kiddush is done as close as possible to the se'udoh.
See also the Gemoro (Brochos נא) that mentions that according to Beis Hilel one should first have the wine, and only later wash his hands.
Those who follow this minhag hold that there is not as much importance in washing just before eating, and it is more important therefore that to have the kiddush just before the meal than to have the washing just before the meal.
(In addition this opinion holds that since hands are not so clean, it is better to wash hands even before drinking the wine).

In the book Shorshe Minhag Ashkenaz (volume 2 chapter 6) there is a long article about this subject.


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31 May 2009 18:28 #1043 by jacob
Replied by jacob on topic Washing netilas yadayim before kiddush
On Shabbes- washing hands before kiddush:
Is this done only in the evening, or in the morning kiddush too?


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02 Jun 2009 01:39 #1045 by Michael
Replied by Michael on topic Washing netilas yadayim before kiddush
The Minhag was to wash in the morning before Kiddush too. Later some stopped washing in the morning before Kiddush, maybe because when the Minhag became to start at Veshomru - they were afraid it was Hefsek.
See this topic at length in Shorshei Minhag Ashkenaz #2 (pg 258-307).

Michael FRBSH

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