Wearing Tefillin For Musaf On Roush Choudesh

16 May 2011 01:30 #1972 by rallisw
I saw that the background for wearing tefillin on Choul HaMoued posted here . What is the similar background for keeping one's tefillin on for Roush Choudesh? (I understand that some state we don't wear tefillin at Musaf Roush Chodesh since the Musaf has a semi-Youm Touv status).


Minhag Avoseinu Torah Hee!

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17 Jun 2011 15:00 #1999 by Michael
Replied by Michael on topic Wearing Tefillin For Musaf On Roush Choudesh
The Mekubolim gave two reasons not to keep the Tefillin on for Musaf. The first is the one you mentioned, that it has a semi YT status, and the second is because one says the Kedusho of "Kesser", and therefore one shouldn't have his Tefillin on.

These two reasons were not accepted in Ashkenaz. The second reason doesn't have any appliance to Ashkenaz, since we don't say Kedushas "Kesser", and the first reason also wasn't accepted, since removing of the Tefillin is considered bizayon Hatefilloh, which was considered more important of an issue.

We first find in the 16th century that some started taking off the Tefillin then in Ashkenaz, and at the 18th century it was the Minhag of the majority.

Michael FRBSH

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26 Jul 2011 13:20 #2018 by DCohen
But what about if there is a bris miloh on Rosh Chodesh? Should at least the sandok and the father put their tefilin back on for the bris?


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29 Jul 2011 16:36 #2019 by Michael
Replied by Michael on topic Wearing Tefillin For Musaf On Roush Choudesh
Rav Hamburger told me there isn't too much data about this question written by Poskei Ashkenaz (since the Minhag in the past was to keep the Tefillin on at Musaf too).


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