Pirkei Avos this year in KAYJ

04 יול 2012 10:18 #2131 מאת Melech
Pirkei Avos this year in KAYJ נוצר על ידי Melech
What did KAYJ do this year for Pirkei Avos with the extra Shabbos between Pesach and Shavuos?


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05 יול 2012 02:01 #2132 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Pirkei Avos this year in KAYJ
In KAYJ we started on the second Shabbos, and didn't say anything on Shabbos Shmini (as the Luach brings), but this caused a discussion in the Kehilloh, since most paces in EY did start on that Shabbos the first Perek. Usually we learn one Perek before Shovuos, and then after Shovuos we learn 2 Prokim as a Chizzuk after Shovuos, and this way we learn it 3 times. And if we would start on that Shabbos, we would have a problem with the Shabbos before Shovuos, and if we would start Perek Aleph again, we would have a problem with the Shabbossos after. So this may give a reasoning for what we did. But as I said, this caused a serious discussion, and in two years from now, when the issue comes up again, I am not sure we will be doing the same.


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01 פבר 2015 12:27 #2509 מאת NMuhlgay
תגובה מNMuhlgay בדיון Pirkei Avos this year in KAYJ
Has there been any discussion of what will be done this Pesach?

As an aside, I once heard, in the name of R' Elyashiv, that during the first Shabbat in EY (acharon shel yom tov in ch"l), Derech Eretz Zuta should be learned, so as to better fill the time before l'David and Lamnatzeach.

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16 פבר 2015 15:17 - 19 פבר 2015 15:18 #2515 מאת Seligmann
תגובה מSeligmann בדיון Pirkei Avos this year in KAYJ
The Chavos Yoir in Mekor chaim brings a minhog that in E"Y that if there are 7 weeks the last week one should learn a perek in Meseches Derech Eretz מקור חיים, קיצור הלכות, סו"ס תצ"א.

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