Yerach Ben Yomo and Karnei Poroh

05 אוג 2011 03:10 #2020 מאת Michael
Yerach Ben Yomo and Karnei Poroh נוצר על ידי Michael
I listened to his recording of Parshas Masei, and I was very excited to hear the way he sung Alpayim Boamo (אלפים באמה). This was the first time I heard a Ba'al Koreh sing the Yerach ben Yomo (ירח בן יומו), usually they don't sing it at all, and the Karnei Poroh (קרני פרה), was also very interesting. The melody was somewhat similar to the way he sings it in the Megillo (גם הנה העץ אשר עשה המן).


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05 אוג 2011 13:35 #2021 מאת Melech
תגובה מMelech בדיון Yerach Ben Yomo and Karnei Poroh
The Yerach Ben Yomo niggun sung by Benno Weiss appears identical to tlisha gedolah. In the mesorah I have from my father, Yerach Ben Yomo is sung very differently.


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