Tehillim before Mincha on Rosh Hashana

22 ספט 2009 01:16 #1414 מאת Alexander Weil
Tehillim before Mincha on Rosh Hashana נוצר על ידי Alexander Weil
Shearith Israel (Baltimore) has the minhag to say the entire sefer Tehillim spread between both afternoons on Rosh Hashana. Is this a common Yekkish minhag (I ask because I did not see it in Rav Hamburger's madrich). Additionally, is kaddish or any other tefillos said after the completion of all of Tehillim? Does it matter that the reading is split over two days?


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29 ספט 2009 15:54 #1432 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Tehillim before Mincha on Rosh Hashana
This is quite a common Ashkenaz minhog. It isn't a very ancient minhog, we find it by Rav Hirtz Shaya (Rosh Yeshivah of מגנצא, before 150 years), and it was also the minhog of some small Kehillos.
Later it became more widespread, and Rav Breuer brings it in his Minhogim too.
When Tehillim is said, Kaddish is said afterward. The Techinos are said according to Kabboloh (and we say them on Hoshana Rabboh).

Michael FRBSH

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