Kerias Shema & Tzitzis - looking, holding, and kissing
- rallisw
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- Daniel
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- Michael
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The only time one kisses the Tzitzis according to Minhag Ashkenaz is at Ureisem Oso, as Daniel mentioned. One leaves the Tzitziyos at Lo'ad Ulolmei Olomim, like the common minhag.
Michael FRBSH
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- rallisw
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Michael wrote: One leaves the Tzitziyos at Lo'ad Ulolmei Olomim, like the common minhag.
When one recites the shorter Emes V'Yatziv (when one says a Zulas) "Load u'oulomim" is not recited. What point does one let go of the Tzitzis?
Minhag Avoseinu Torah Hee!
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- Michael
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Michael FRBSH
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- YCohen
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Where is this minhag brought down and when did people switch to all four?Michael wrote: According to the old Minhag, one holds only two Tzitziyos.
I have heard the Gr"o was makpid on only the front two, do any bnai ashkenaz still do the original minhag?
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- Michael
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The minhog to hold two Tzitziyos is brought in Minhogei R' Izak Tirna, Yam Shel Shlomo, Mogen Avrohom, Shulchan Oruch Harav, Kitzur Shulchan Oruch and Oruch Hashulchon.
In Ashkenaz Minhogim books, we can see in the Yosef Ometz and Minhogei Worms that the minhog was to hold two Tzitziyos (although the Yosef Ometz says that he himself held four Tzitziyos according to the Ari Z'l), The Chavos Yo'ir in his sefer Mekor Chayim says that the minhag is two Tzitziyos קven though the Ari Z'l held 4, and R' Aharon Fold in his book Minhogei Frankfurt (from 5600) says that the Minhag was to hold 2 Tzitziyos.
Michael FRBSH
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- Michael
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There is a big difference between the minhogim to hold the Tzitziyos during Boruch Sheomar and to do so during Shema. In Boruch Sheomar it is Minhag Ha'ari (which was accepted in Ashkenaz), but in Shema the Rishonim hold that it is a minhog from the time of the Talmud, and is considered דינא דגמרא.
Michael FRBSH
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- MPerlman
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However, Rav Hamburger told me that Rav Zalman Trier, the last Rav of Frankfurt before Reform took over, would kiss his tzitzis also at La'ad before releasing them, suggesting that this was also Minhag Ashkenaz.Michael wrote: The only time one kisses the Tzitzis according to Minhag Ashkenaz is at Urisem Oso, as Daniel mentioned. One leaves the Tzitziyos at Lo'ad Ulolmei Olomim, like the common minhag.
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- MPerlman
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- Michael
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