Point at the sefer Torah while saying V'zous Hatorah ?
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03 דצמ 2008 04:31 #729
מאת SBS
Point at the sefer Torah while saying V'zous Hatorah ? נוצר על ידי SBS
Some people point at the sefer Torah during hagbohas haTorah, usually done with the pinky. Is this the true minhag, and, if so, then why with the pinky? I could understand using the Etzbah "pointer" finger, as in Etzbah Elokim. I have been unable to find any sources that address this.
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- Michael
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05 דצמ 2008 01:55 #732
מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Point at the sefer Torah while saying V'zous Hatorah ?
Minhag Ashkenaz is to bow when the Seifer Torah is turned towards you. The minhog to point with the pinkie is a Turkish (Sephardic) minhag, and is brought in Me'am Lo'ez and by R' Chayim Palagi. Moroccan Jews do it as well.
Michael FRBSH
Michael FRBSH
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05 דצמ 2008 02:16 #736
מאת SBS
תגובה מSBS בדיון Point at the sefer Torah while saying V'zous Hatorah ?
So minhag ashkenaz is not to point but rather to bow? It seems the minhag to point is widely accepted even amongst B'nei Ashkenaz. Do we know the reason for the pinky?
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- Michael
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05 דצמ 2008 02:20 #737
מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Point at the sefer Torah while saying V'zous Hatorah ?
Rav Chesner mentions that today the wide spread minhag is to point with the pinky, and he says he doesn't know what is the source to this.
It would seem that it came to Eretz Yisroel through the Sephardim (the Yerushalmi Sephardim followed very much the Turkish Minhag, since Eretz Yisro'el was ruled by the Turks for 400 years), and it then spread out between (some) Ashkenazim too.
Michael FRBSH
It would seem that it came to Eretz Yisroel through the Sephardim (the Yerushalmi Sephardim followed very much the Turkish Minhag, since Eretz Yisro'el was ruled by the Turks for 400 years), and it then spread out between (some) Ashkenazim too.
Michael FRBSH
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05 דצמ 2008 02:36 #738
מאת SBS
תגובה מSBS בדיון Point at the sefer Torah while saying V'zous Hatorah ?
Is it done in KAYJ as well?
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- Michael
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05 דצמ 2008 02:39 #739
מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Point at the sefer Torah while saying V'zous Hatorah ?
The subject was discussed once in shul, and the conclusion then was that this is not Minhag Ashkenaz. I never looked carefully at what most of the congregation does, but I don't think people point with their pinkie at the Seifer Toroh.
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- Litvak
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05 דצמ 2008 06:52 - 30 אוק 2012 14:34 #742
מאת Litvak
תגובה מLitvak בדיון Point at the sefer Torah while saying V'zous Hatorah ?
There was a discussion about this a while ago in the USA 'Yated Ne'eman' newspaper. My recollection is that a chaveir (R. Yisroel) from KAJ Washington Heights wrote in a letter in the newspaper then that no one does it there. So it definitely is not done by all.
I think that this is a good example of how a custom can spread. Something comes along, it seems innocuous, maybe even nice and and meritorious. But we should think to ourselves, did our ancestors do it? And if they didn't, perhaps they abstained for good reason.
Additionally, it seems that doing it would compete with the minhag to bow, which, as stated above, was the minhag Ashkenaz from previous days. There is only a short time when the sefer Torah is being lifted and shown to the tzibbur and people have limited attention spans and capacity. If you give them a new minhag, it can sometimes displace an old one. Of the two, it seems to me that the bowing minhog is much more respectful to the (sefer) Torah. So I think the choice is clear.
I think that this is a good example of how a custom can spread. Something comes along, it seems innocuous, maybe even nice and and meritorious. But we should think to ourselves, did our ancestors do it? And if they didn't, perhaps they abstained for good reason.
Additionally, it seems that doing it would compete with the minhag to bow, which, as stated above, was the minhag Ashkenaz from previous days. There is only a short time when the sefer Torah is being lifted and shown to the tzibbur and people have limited attention spans and capacity. If you give them a new minhag, it can sometimes displace an old one. Of the two, it seems to me that the bowing minhog is much more respectful to the (sefer) Torah. So I think the choice is clear.
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- Litvak
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05 דצמ 2008 12:22 - 30 אוק 2012 14:28 #743
מאת Litvak
תגובה מLitvak בדיון Point at the sefer Torah while saying V'zous Hatorah ?
1) Can you elaborate on the minhag Ashkenaz to bow during hagbohas haTorah when the sefer Torah faces you ?
a) Where is this minhog recorded ?
b) What kind of bowing is meant? Just a small bowing of the head/upper body (as some do during Oleinu), or more?
2) A Rav Chesner was mentioned earlier. Who is he? Mechaber of a sefer?
a) Where is this minhog recorded ?
b) What kind of bowing is meant? Just a small bowing of the head/upper body (as some do during Oleinu), or more?
2) A Rav Chesner was mentioned earlier. Who is he? Mechaber of a sefer?
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- Daniel
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07 דצמ 2008 14:44 - 30 אוק 2012 14:32 #745
מאת Daniel
תגובה מDaniel בדיון Point at the sefer Torah while saying V'zous Hatorah ?
I believe that bowing towards the Torah during Hagbah is an explicit Tosefta (Soferim 14:14). The text basically reads as follows: …open the Torah to three columns, lift it up and show the text to the congregation standing to the right, the left, in front and behind, since it is a mitzvah for all men and women to see the text, to bow (לכרוע) and to recite "V’zos hatorah asher sum Moshe lifnei b’nei Yisroel, Toras Hashem Temimah meshivas nafesh…" (It’s interesting that the Tosefta mentions “Toras Hashem Temimah meshivas nafesh” which is not our Minhag but rather the Gabbai says it when he calls up the Kohen).
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- Michael
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08 דצמ 2008 19:33 - 30 אוק 2012 14:33 #751
מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Point at the sefer Torah while saying V'zous Hatorah ?
The minhag to bow is mentioned in the Shulchan Oruch (או"ח קל"ד סעיף ב), and this means bowing with the head and top of the body.
[I heard today an interesting idea (but can't take any responsibility for it) - I didn't see R' Chaim Palagi in his sefer, but I was told that he talks about pointing with the Etzba "pointer" finger, and that someone who did a bit of research on the subject claimed that the reason people used their pinkie instead, was because their Etzba and thumb usually had tobacco on them .]
Harav Chesner is an important Posek in the town of Ofakim.
[I heard today an interesting idea (but can't take any responsibility for it) - I didn't see R' Chaim Palagi in his sefer, but I was told that he talks about pointing with the Etzba "pointer" finger, and that someone who did a bit of research on the subject claimed that the reason people used their pinkie instead, was because their Etzba and thumb usually had tobacco on them .]
Harav Chesner is an important Posek in the town of Ofakim.
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