Nishmas Kol Chai - said standing or seated ?

19 נוב 2008 14:26 #712 מאת rallisw
Nishmas Kol Chai - said standing or seated ? נוצר על ידי rallisw
Does one stand for Nishmas Kol Chai or sit after reciting Oz Yoshir?


Minhag Avoseinu Torah Hee!

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21 נוב 2008 15:05 #716 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Nishmas Kol Chai - said standing or seated ?
Today it is accepted to stand from Vayevorech Dovid until Yishtabach, including Nishmas (as is brought in the Rodelheim siddur).

The old minhog was only to stand from Vayevorech Dovid until Mishtachavim, as well as for Yishtabach, while all the rest was said sitting down.

Michael FRBSH

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12 אוג 2009 03:37 #1276 מאת MPerlman
תגובה מMPerlman בדיון Nishmas Kol Chai - said standing or seated ?

Michael wrote: Today it is accepted to stand from Vayevorech Dovid until Yishtabach, including Nishmas (as is brought in the Rodelheim siddur).

The old minhog was only to stand from Vayevorech Dovid until Mishtachavim, as well as for Yishtabach, while all the rest was said sitting down.

R' Hamburger himself follows the old minhog. I saw that one of his "chassidim" in our shul does so as well, as I myself have begun to do.


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