Scholom Aleychem on Yom Tov

03 אוק 2008 00:39 #639 מאת SBS
Scholom Aleychem on Yom Tov נוצר על ידי SBS
Is it a universally accepted minhag not to say or sing Scholom Aleiychem on Friday night when it is Yom Tov or Chol Hamoed and what is the reason?


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03 אוק 2008 15:38 #645 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Scholom Aleychem on Yom Tov
Sholom Aleichem is not a very old minhag, therefore there were different ways it was done. In general, it usually depends on Kabbolas Shabbos - those who say the complete Kabbolas Shabbos (like in FFDM) also say Sholom Aleichem. Those who do not say Kabbolas Shabbos (and start on Mizmor Shir) - do not say Sholom Aleichem. (Those who say a partial Kabbolas Shabbos can either say or not say Sholom Aleichem).

Michael FRBSH

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