Davening Mincha and Maariv after Plag

22 יול 2008 04:13 #468 מאת AParnes
Davening Mincha and Maariv after Plag נוצר על ידי AParnes
It seems that the German minhag is/was to daven both Mincha and Maariv after Plag on a regular day (not just Fridays). This seems to be contrary to the ruling of most Rishonim and of the Shulchan Oruch Siman 233:1. If anyone has any information to shed light on this matter, it would be greatly appreciated.


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23 יול 2008 00:44 #469 מאת ynathan
תגובה מynathan בדיון Davening Mincha and Maariv after Plag
This is based on the Magen Avrohom version of Plag Haminchoh. Minchoh before the Magen Avrohom Plag & Maariv afterwards.

If you look in the Minhagei Maharil, the Minhag was to daven Mincha & Maariv very early if the circumstances warranted e.g. a wedding. Very possibly the same Psak was applied to the summer Shabbosos.

Yehuda Nathan

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23 יול 2008 01:46 - 06 יול 2012 02:03 #470 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Davening Mincha and Maariv after Plag
Please see the book Minhogei Vermeisa siman ק he'oro 2,discussing this topic. In general they were very Meikel with the time of ma'ariv, since it is Tefillas Reshus, and we have a chiyuv to daven Ma'ariv only because we accepted it on ourselves. Therefore what was accepted was accepted, and what was not - there is no chiyuv to do. For this reason it is considered OK to daven Ma'ariv earlier than the time which is considered night (and therefore one could daven Mincho and Ma'ariv after Plag, even though it's תרתי דסתרי).

Michael FRBSH

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28 יול 2008 13:16 - 25 אוק 2013 15:35 #479 מאת Daniel
תגובה מDaniel בדיון Davening Mincha and Maariv after Plag
I believe that R' Breuer liked to daven Mincha as late as possible (as mentioned under the subject "Mincha" ) because he said that it is better to recite Shema in its proper time as it is dioraysa. It would appear from here that there was also a leniency toward Mincha as apposed to Marriv. Are the Minhagim of Worms available? I would like to see the source inside if possible.


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