Sheva Brachos
- Daniel
- מחבר נושא
- מנותק
- הודעות 221
- תודות התקבלו: 2
09 יול 2008 12:14 #436
מאת Daniel
Sheva Brachos נוצר על ידי Daniel
What is the Minhag in regard to reciting Sheva Brachos after the first day? Is this the prevalent Yekkish Minhag or did different communities in Germany conduct themselves differently? (I believe in Washington Heights Sheva Brachos are recited on all of the days but the Chasam Sofer clearly says this is not the Minhag in Frankfurt).
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- Michael
- מנותק
11 יול 2008 19:48 #445
מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Sheva Brachos
The Minhag was to do 7Brochos only at the wedding, and on the next days only 2 Brochos (Asher Boro and Bourei Pri Hagofen). The reason was because we do not have anymore Beis Chuppoh, and we usually don't have real Ponim Chaddoshous (that a new type of dish would be cooked for them), and another reason brought is that in the Gollus we don't have any simcho.
This changed in the 20th century, very likely by Rabbonim from out of Germany.
Michael FRBSH
This changed in the 20th century, very likely by Rabbonim from out of Germany.
Michael FRBSH
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- Daniel
- מחבר נושא
- מנותק
- הודעות 221
- תודות התקבלו: 2
11 יול 2008 20:10 #447
מאת Daniel
תגובה מDaniel בדיון Sheva Brachos
Why did it change? These Rabbanim changed it in Germany or in other countries (US, England etc.), and what is done in KAYJ? Are many makpid like the original Minhag, or is it more common/appropriate to say all of the Sheva Brachos on all of the days?
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- Michael
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11 יול 2008 20:14 #448
מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Sheva Brachos
The Rabbonim changed the minhag in Germany, to match the minhag in the other countries. This is what Rav Hamburger assumes, and in such case Rav Hamburger likes to stick to the older minhag.
Since this question has to do with personal minhogim and not minhogim practiced in shul, it's not too easy to answer what is done in KAYJ.
Rav Hamburger told me he does not say any Brocho other than Asher Boro, when he attends a Sheva Brochos. I'm not too sure how many other people do the same.
Since this question has to do with personal minhogim and not minhogim practiced in shul, it's not too easy to answer what is done in KAYJ.
Rav Hamburger told me he does not say any Brocho other than Asher Boro, when he attends a Sheva Brochos. I'm not too sure how many other people do the same.
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