Chuliyos in tzitzis, Boee Besholom, candles by Chosson

17 יונ 2008 00:32 #379 מאת ynathan
My father O"bm mentioned that when the Landjuden came to Munich after the Nurenberg Laws - in 1936, he noticed that many of them wore Chulios on their tzitzis. Dayan Posen of Washington Heights also wears Chulios on his Tzitzis. The Chulios are similar to the Moroccan custom - each loop has a Chulio, rather than the Russian Chasidic Minhag of groups of three loops.

He also mentioned two interesting minhogim that he never saw elsewhere. By Boee Bshalom they turned around by Boee Kalloh Boee Kalloh for those four words, not the whole stanza! Another thing is that a Chosson on the day of his wedding & during Sheva Brochos - if he was in Shul, two candles were lit by his place.

Any comments would be appreciated. Also, is there anybody who has the Minhogim of Munich written down?

Thank you

Yehuda Nathan

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18 יונ 2008 01:24 #382 מאת Michael
The minhag of wearing Chulyos was common by many families in the recent past in south west Germany. The source to this is Kabboloh.

Michael FRBSH

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19 יונ 2008 00:15 #389 מאת ynathan
Could this mean that this was an old Bavarian Minhag? Interestingly enough, the Radziner Chassidim make Chulios the same way with Tcheles!

Yehuda Nathan

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23 יונ 2008 02:54 - 28 ינו 2019 15:41 #400 מאת Michael
The Minhag came through the Mekubolim, about 250 years ago. It's brought in the מאמר מרדכי (כרמי) או"ח סימן י"א ס"ק י"ז. The Sephardim seem to have made their Tzitzis this way already in the time of the Shulchan Oruch, but it seems it arrived to Ashkenaz only 250 years ago, as mentioned above.
This minhag is not mentioned in the old Halachic books, and only can be found in different books from the 20th century.

Michael FRBSH

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23 יונ 2008 23:54 #401 מאת ynathan
This seems very hard to reconcile with the fact that the LandsJuden were not learned people. If they did it this way, most probably it was a Minhag Midorei Doros.

Yehuda Nathan

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27 יונ 2008 01:55 #407 מאת Michael
There were many LandsJuden who did not have that minhag. It could have come to those who followed the minhag through Maggidim etc. who came from other places.

Michael FRBSH

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01 יול 2008 04:08 #420 מאת ynathan
As my father Olov Hashalom is not available to answer this question, I must assume that he saw it by many of the Bavarian Landsjuden. He didn't mention seeing it in Frankfurt, when he was there in 1938. The only knowledge that I have of this Minhog in Frankfurt is from Dayan Posen Shlito of KAJ, who told me that they had this Minhog in his family.

Yehuda Nathan

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13 אוג 2009 00:49 #1290 מאת MPerlman
What are Chuliyos?


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13 אוק 2009 02:28 #1459 מאת ynathan
Please look at this link for the method (this is for Sephardi Tzitzis with Tcheles, but the method for doing the Chulyos is the same).

According to Mesores Ashkenaz there are two major differences:

We don't use Techeles.

We do 7, 8, 11, 13 not 10, 5, 6, 5,

I hope this helps.

Yehuda Nathan

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18 אוק 2009 21:48 #1460 מאת Daniel
Are those the chuliyos? I thought chuliyos were the extra "Chinese staircase" type stitch that you sometimes see around the 7,8, 11, and 13.


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20 אוק 2009 03:32 #1464 מאת ynathan
That's correct, the "Chinese Staircase"!

Yehuda Nathan

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