Mi Sheberach "v'yatzliach darko"
- Melech
- מחבר נושא
- מנותק
- הודעות 112
- תודות התקבלו: 3
28 מאי 2008 13:24 #355
מאת Melech
Mi Sheberach "v'yatzliach darko" נוצר על ידי Melech
In the minhag Ashkenaz shul in which I grew up, we had the minhag to give an aliyah to someone going away on a trip on the last leining day before his departure, followed by a mi sheberach in which the words "v'yatzliach darko" were added before "im kol yisroel echav". Was this minhag widespread, and is it practiced in KAYJ?
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- Michael
- מנותק
02 יונ 2008 01:18 #359
מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Mi Sheberach "v'yatzliach darko"
In KAYJ we do not have this minhag. I asked Harav Hamburger and he couldn't find any mentioning about this minhag, but (as mentioned in
this topic
) the Mi sheberachs varied between the Kehillos.
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