Tallis Over The Rav's Head

07 מאי 2008 01:42 #306 מאת SBS
Tallis Over The Rav's Head נוצר על ידי SBS
Was the minhag in German schuls for only the Rabbi to place his tallis over his head and everyone else in the kehilloh (Chazan included) wore their hats? If so, what is the reason?


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07 מאי 2008 13:19 #307 מאת rallisw
תגובה מrallisw בדיון Tallis Over The Rav's Head
According to a information compiled by Moreinu HoRav Hamburger Shlito, it is proper for everyone whether rabbi of the kehilloh or layman, to wear a hat and a tallis over the hat.


Minhag Avoseinu Torah Hee!

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08 מאי 2008 00:01 #309 מאת SBS
תגובה מSBS בדיון Tallis Over The Rav's Head
The predominant minhag in Germany was for the Rav only to have his tallis over his head. Why?


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08 מאי 2008 19:09 #311 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Tallis Over The Rav's Head
Rav Hamburger explains that in the past everyone used to cover his head and hat with his Tallis while Davening, (but the hats were not as big those days). In the 19th century people stopped covering their heads with the Tallis, and the Rabbonim and Talmidei Chachomim would not change their minhag and they continued covering their heads, which lead to a situation that only the Rov covered his head and not the Tzibbur.

Click here to see full article from Rav Hamburger, (in Hebrew with pictures).


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17 יונ 2008 00:26 #377 מאת ynathan
תגובה מynathan בדיון Tallis Over The Rav's Head
Horav Simon Schwab Z"tl asked me not to wear a Tallis over my head - though I have a Moreinu Horav from the debreciner Rav Z"tl - when I am in KAJ. He said that one must keep up the Minhag Ashkenaz that only the Rav, the Dayanim & possibly those who are given rshus wore there Talis over their heads - rather than wearing hats on their heads & not Talleisim.

Yehuda Nathan

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18 יונ 2008 01:09 #380 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Tallis Over The Rav's Head
Although this was not the minhag in the past (please see the link above), of course every place has to stick to Minhag Hamokom, and since this became the minhag in the recent past in Frankfurt and Rav Hirsch's Kehilloh, Harav Schwab Z"tl insisted that the minhag is continued in KAJ.

Michael FRBSH

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19 יונ 2008 00:15 #390 מאת ynathan
תגובה מynathan בדיון Tallis Over The Rav's Head
My father O"bm said that only the Rav covered his head with a Tallis in Munich. My mother O"bm said the same thing about Berlin. I'll look in the various Minhogim Seforim (I have Fuerth, Wuerzburg, Frankfurt Amsterdam & some information on Posen).

Yehuda Nathan

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07 יול 2008 13:27 #431 מאת Melech
תגובה מMelech בדיון Tallis Over The Rav's Head
You've written about the development of the minhag in some places in Germany where only Rabbonim wore a tallis over the head. What about what seems to me to be a widespread German minhag not to where the tallis over the head on Shabbos, even for those who wear it over the head on weekdays? One explanation I heard is that this was out of concern that a tallis over the head could constitute a drabanan of ohel according to Rabbenu Tam, but this explanation doesn't seem credible at all to me, particularly because the same chashash should apply to the Yomim Nora'im as well. So when and how/why did this minhag develop?


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10 נוב 2009 04:35 #1484 מאת SBS
תגובה מSBS בדיון Tallis Over The Rav's Head
How was the old minhag of tallis over the head practiced? Meaning, was the tallis placed over one's head for all of davening? Begining with Baruch She'amar? With Barachu? Were there parts of the davening for which people did not cover their head, like Kriyas Hatorah? If they didn't cover their heads then, did they wear a hat or not?


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13 נוב 2009 16:25 #1490 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Tallis Over The Rav's Head
We don't have data about different times they put the Tallis on and took it off. What we do know is that for many years the hats were small, and the Tallis would be put over it. Today that would be a bit complicated.


In KAYJ most people don't have their heads covered at Krias Hatorah with the Tallis, and during Krias Hatorah have only their Kippa on their head. (but we do have some who put their hats back on at Krias Hatorah).


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