Wearing Tefillin on Chol haMoed / Minhag Frankfurt

12 אפר 2010 00:46 #1706 מאת Eliyahu
תגובה מEliyahu בדיון Wearing Tefillin on Chol haMoed / Minhag Frankfurt

Michael wrote: In KAYJ we do not put on Tefillin in Chol Hamo'ed, according to the Psak we got from Rav Elyashiv Shlita. In Bnei Brak they put on Tefillin, according to the Psak they received.

Who is the source of the Psak for Bnei Brak and do you know approximately when it was given?


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14 אפר 2010 00:26 #1709 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Wearing Tefillin on Chol haMoed / Minhag Frankfurt
A few pesokim accumulated from different Rabbonim - Rav Shlomo Zalman Ulman from Rav Wosner's Beis Din, Rav Nosson Gestetner, and Rav Yochanan Sofer of Erlau. After these pesokim the Shul in Bnei Brak started donning Tefillin on Chol Hamoed.

Michael FRBSH

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04 מאי 2011 23:55 #1961 מאת MPoppers
תגובה מMPoppers בדיון Wearing Tefillin on Chol haMoed / Minhag Frankfurt

Michael wrote: There were places that only on the day of Kadesh Li the Tefillin were worn until after Kri'as Hatorah, but this is quite a recent minhag.

Please explain/list sources for that "recent minhag" statement. Thanks!

All the best from Michael Poppers

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05 מאי 2011 13:33 #1963 מאת ynathan
תגובה מynathan בדיון Wearing Tefillin on Chol haMoed / Minhag Frankfurt
The Ber Siddur mentions wearing Tefillin on Chol Hamoed Pesach until the Krias Hamusaph (Revii).

Yehuda Nathan

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13 מאי 2011 15:58 #1969 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Wearing Tefillin on Chol haMoed / Minhag Frankfurt
The Baer Siddur (19th century) is the first source we find for taking the Tefillin off after KHT on the day of Kadesh Li. But actually we don't find the Minhag of taking the Tefillin off before Hallel in Ashkenaz until the 19th century, (as will be explained).

The concept of taking Tefillin off on Chol Hamoed before Hallel is found in the Taz and Mogen Avrohom, but this wasn't accepted in Ashkenaz in their days. The Chavas Yoir (about 100 years after the Taz, at the beginning of 18th century) was upset that people started taking Tefillin off, and he said they should be left on until after Musaf.
But in the 19th century the Minhag became common to take the Tefillin off before Hallel, and we find then the Oruch Laner quoting the Mogen Avrohom and Taz saying that should be done, but he also brings a diyuk from the Maharil that he left the Tefillin on later.

In SMA #5 there will be a chapter about this issue IYH.

Michael FRBSH

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29 אוק 2013 04:07 - 29 אוק 2013 14:41 #2289 מאת YbAa
Nusach Erets Yisroel is to put on tefillin on Chol-haMoed.

HaGro forbade to put on tefillin during CM. Was the reason because of the first day of CM in Erets Yisroel is indeed the second day of the Chag in the Diaspora?

If to follow the haGro logics that forbidden to put on tefillin only in the first day of CM (because it is the second day of the Chag)?

What is the Minhag Frankfurt concerning to the second day of the Chag in the Diaspora?

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29 אוק 2013 14:33 #2291 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Wearing Tefillin on Chol haMoed / Minhag Frankfurt
The Gr'o held one should not put on Tefillin on CHol Hamo'ed even in Chutz Lo'oretz, on days which are not Yom Tov for anyone, because Chol Hamo'ed itself is considered like a Yom Tov.
Since the Ashkenazi Yishuv in Eretz Yisro'el was established by the Talmidim of the Gr'o and Talmidei Ba'al Shem Tov, and both according to the Gr'o and the Chassidic Minhag one doesn't put on Tefillin on Chol Hamo'ed, therefore the Minhag in Eretz Yisroel which is practiced by almost everyone is not to put on Tefillin in Eretz Yisro'el, (the Sephardim also do not put on Tefillin).

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