Nefillas Apayim (tachanun) - on left or right arm?

10 ינו 2010 01:15 #1582 מאת DKlein
According to the Shulhan Aruch and the GR"A, tahanun is on the left, Mishna Berura on the right. What is the proper Ashkenaz minhog?

David Klein

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13 ינו 2010 03:12 #1585 מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Nefillas Apayim (tachanun) - on left or right arm?
Minhag Ashkenaz is to lean on the left side when one doesn't have tefillin on, and on the right side when wearing tefillin on his left hand. See Divrei Kehillos page 35, (and the same is in Avodas Yisroel page 116).


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