Boruch Hu U'Voruch Sh'mou
- rallisw
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03 דצמ 2009 04:39 #1524
מאת rallisw
Minhag Avoseinu Torah Hee!
Boruch Hu U'Voruch Sh'mou נוצר על ידי rallisw
Upon hearing someone making a brocho "Boruch Atoh HaShem Eloukaynu Melech ho-Oulom...", does one recite Boruch Hu U'Voruch Sh'mou after the word HaShem (as in the case with other "shorter" brochous), or does one wait to answer until after the word Ho-Oulom, which completes HaShem's title and praise? [Examples: Brochous in the morning, Hallel, Nayrous Chanukoh, Mikroh Megilloh etc.] My father and others I have spoken to, seem to think that it is more appropraite to follow the later opinion.
Minhag Avoseinu Torah Hee!
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- Michael
- מנותק
03 דצמ 2009 04:39 #1525
מאת Michael
תגובה מMichael בדיון Boruch Hu U'Voruch Sh'mou
The Minhag is to answer after the name of Hashem.
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