1) Building permit
With gratitude to Hashem, we are happy to announce that after many years of anticipation (and bureaucracy) we received the final building permit, (which is valid for a year), and we are looking forward to start with the building. We would like to thank R' Yeshayahu Schneller for all the many hours of work he invested in arranging the permit, and in the building project in general.
Whoever would like to participate in this big Mitzvoh, please contact us via email or through our site (kayj.net). All donations are tax deductible in Israel and in the USA.
2) Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov ro R' and Mrs. Sha'ul Lupolianski on the birth of their son.
Mazal Tov to R' and Mrs. Yishai Lesser on the bringing of a wimpel to shul.
3) Condolences
ברכת המקום ינחם אתכם to R' Meir Elrlanger on the Petiroh of his father.