1) The Ashkenaz Forum is back
We are very happy to announce that the forum is up again, in our new site at kayj.net
Members of the forum who were active in the past do not need to register again, and can use their old account and username, but will need to assign themselves a new password. Just click on the "Forgot your password?" link on click on the Home page or the Forum page, and you will get a token to reset your password.
If you were not active in the forum in the past and would like an account (or if you are unsuccessful in resetting the password on your old account), please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., providing your name, email address, location, and desired username for the forum.
Many thanks to Menasheh Steiglitz for all the many hours of work he put into the new forum!
2) Article about KAY Beitar, by Michael Friedman
On Shabbos Parshas בהעלותך, I was invited to join KAY Beitar for the Shabbos with my family, aiming to increase the link between the communities, and hoping that both communities would be able to learn from each other. Since I had never been to Beitar before for Shabbos, I wasn't sure how it would be, and I just hoped for the best.
As we arrived there, we were overwhelmed by their special hospitality. The hosts at Beitar organised all our needs and much more, in a wonderful way. It was heartwarming to see the beautiful shul they have, and when I got to their shul I felt immediately at home. I was asked to Daven for the Omud (תפילות שבת), and it was very inspiring to hear the way the congregation joined the singing so sweetly. We sung two choir pieces at Friday night, and the congregation was familiar with them as well (although they don't have a local choir yet). Overall the people there care very much about the shul and their heritage, and they put in a lot of effort to make sure the shul runs as it should.
We enjoyed Shabbos very much, and I warmly recommend that anyone who happens to be in Beitar, should go and join the Davening there. The Address is Nadvorna 2, in Ta''t Nitei Meir, Giva'ah A, Beitar illit. For contact by telephone you can phone: 02-5804286 (Aumann), 02-5807405 (Neckameyer) or 02-5807445 (Suter).