Zev Brenner to interview R. Michael Friedman
R. Michael Friedman, co-founder, gabbai and chazzan of K'hal Adas Yeshurun-Jerusalem, will be interviewed on-air by well-known New York Jewish talk show personality Zev Brenner tonight at 9 pm EST. Tracks from the synagogue choir's debut cd "M'dor l'dor: Mazal Tov! Traditional Ashkenaz wedding music" will be played in conjunction with the interview of R. Friedman, the author of "Chiyuv Hashira B'tefila" in Machon Moreshes Ashkenaz's recently published Yerushaseinu, a scholarly yearbook of Torah, halacha and minhagim.
In the NY area, listeners can tune into WMCA 570 AM. Outside of NY, one can logon to www.talklinecommunications.com for a web simulcast and click on "listen live."
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