1) Davening on Ta'anis Ester and Purim
We will be very happy to welcome visitors to Jerusalem this week – please join us for Davening on Ta'anis Ester and/or Purim.
On Thursay (תענית אסתר), Shacharis is at 7:00, Mincho is at 5:05 and Ma'ariv is at 6:11.
On Sunday (פורים דפרזים), Shacharis is at 7:00, Mincho is at 5:34 and Ma'ariv (and Megilloh reading) is at 6:25.
On Monday (פורים) Shacharis (and Megilloh reading) is at 7:00 and Mincho is 1:30.
The location is 73 Nof Ramot (Wallenstein). Please call 052-761-1890 for directions, or see map.kayj.org
2) Israeli tax-exempt status for KAYJ
In addition to our American tax-exempt status by sending checks made out to "Machon Moreshet Ashkenaz" (but write in a memo or separate note "KAYJ")
Machon Moreshet Ashkenaz
503 South Broadway
Suite 215
Yonkers, NY 1070
KAYJ is now a tax-exempt organization and donations to KAYJ are tax-deductible under Israeli law. Please mail donations to: POB 23288 Jerusalem 91231. Here are a few dedication opportunities:
Life Member at KAYJ $1000
Ner LaMa'or for a Shabbos $50
Building Fund - various
3) Mazel Tov
Mazel Tov to R' and Mrs. Moshe Tzvi Fleischman for bringing their son's wimple to shul.
Mazel Tov to R' and Mrs. Boruch Heinemann for bringing their son's wimple to shul.
Mazel Tov to R' and Mrs. Michael Friedman for bringing their son's wimple to shul.
Mazel Tov to R' and Mrs. Yitzhcok Freund on the birth of their granddaughter.
Mazel Tov to R' and Mrs. Meir Erlanger on the birth of their grandson.
Mazel Tov to R' and Mrs. Chayim Shmueli on the birth of their great granddaughter.
Mazel Tov to R' and Mrs. Yeshayahu Schneller on the birth of their grandson, (son to Shaul Schneller).