1. KAYJ marks 10 years of תורה and Mesouroh
Boruch Shehecheyonu, v'kiyemonu v'higionu lazman hazaeh. Parashas Vayishlach 5770 marked the tenth anniversary since the establishment of KAYJ in Ramot Yerushalayim, and was celebrated with a festive davening with a packed shul of mispallelim. Our Rov, HaRav Yehuda Gans שליט"א addressed the Tzibbur on the importance of the number "ten" in machshevas Yisrael (Jewish thought), and a Sheves Achim-Oneg was held with the Rov after Seudas Leil Shabbos.
2. A Melave Malkoh is planned on Moutzoei Shabbos Parshas Mikeitz, as a fundraiser for KAYJ's Beis Ashkenaz synagogue building program, which will be a center of practice and preservation of Ashkenazic halachic, historical and musical traditions. More details will be announced soon.
We are going to put out a booklet for the occasion. Sponsorships are welcome!
3. We will be very happy to welcome visitors to Jerusalem on Chanukoh - please join us for Davening: Shacharis is at 7:00 and Ma'ariv (Chanukoh candle lighting) is at 17:45. The location is 73 Nof Ramot (Wallenstein) - please call 052-761-1890 for directions. The shul timetable can be found at www.kayj.net/mm/misc/schedule.pdf.
4. Mazel Tov to R' and Mrs. Michael Friedman on the birth of their daughter
Mazel Tov to R' and Mrs. Michoel Boruch Kernberg on the birth of his granddaughter.
Mazel Tov to R' and Mrs. Yishai Lesser on the birth of their son.
Mazel Tov to R’ and Mrs. Yosef Shlomo Meir, on the birth of their son.
Mazel Tov also to the grandparents, R’ and Mrs. Binyomin Shlomo Hamburger.
Mazel Tov to R' and Mrs. Yosef Prager on the wedding of their son.
Mazel Tov to R' and Mrs. Yeshayahu Schneller on the engagement of their daughter.
Mazel Tov to R' and Mrs. Avrohom Hilel Sinison on the birth of his grandson.
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Newsletter #19
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