1. KAYJ in Petach Tikva
At the invitation of the אהל אברהם synagogue in the Ganei Haddar community of Petach Tikva, R. Michael Friedman will be davening for the Omud for Kabbolas Shabbos/Ma'ariv, on parashas Behar-Bechukousai. Fri. May 15th. This is part of an effort led by that shul's gabbai, R. Feinhandler, who is of yekkish descent and enjoyed a Shabbos at KAYJ, to introduce many new melodies to the eager mispallelim.
Details are as follows
אהל אברהם Shul
1 Kehilous Ya'akov Street
Petach Tikva
Mincho time is 7:04 p.m. followed by Kabbolas Shabbos and Ma'ariv
2. Rav Hamburger visits England
HoRav Binyomin S. Hamburger, head of Machon Moreshes Ashkenaz and author of Shorshei Minhag Ashkenaz, is currently visiting London for his nephew's wedding. He will be speaking on Sunday 17th of May, at "Torah Way" between 9.20-9.50 am, (for more information see www.torahway.org.uk), and in the GGBH at 8:30 pm (there he will talk about the "Imbalance in Contemporary Halacha Observance”).
Rav Hamburger arrived on Monday this week in England, and will be leaving on Monday next week (18th of May). He is staying in Stamford Hill, and on Shabbos he will be in Golders Green. He can be reached at 0208-800-5121.
3. Mazel Tov
Mazel Tov to R. and Mrs. Moshe Rosenwasser on the birth of a grandson.
Mazel Tov to R. and Mrs. Chayim Shmueli in the birth of their first great grandson.
Mazel Tov to R. and Mrs. Boruch Heinemann for bringing a wimpel to shul.
Mazel Tov to R. and Mrs. Moshe Fleishman for bringing a wimpel to shul.
Mazel Tov to R. and Mrs. Alexander Weil on the birth of their daughter.
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Newsletter #17
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